Could of been better, but its still fun, and it introduces some pretty clever ideas.

User Rating: 6 | Army of Two PS3

Army of Two for the PS3 is a game that falls short on a couple key areas, but it also introduces a variety of clever ideas that make this game worth playing.

The story isn't really the games high point. Its decent I guess, not really something I would've made a game on. Not really gonna touch the main plot of the story because I believe Gamespot has already covered that. What I will say is that the main story covers a span of about 5 or 6 areas/levels such as Miami or Iraq in which you have objectives to complete until you reach the end of the level. It isn't that long, I believe I beat it in under 7 hours or so. Luckily it has multiplayer, but I haven't played its multiplayer yet so I won't really say anything else about it. It also has a two player story split screen co-op where you can go through the whole game with a friend. I would recommend playing through the game like this, just for the fact that your AI partner in single player mode wouldn't be as good as a real life human.

The graphics and gameplay is where this game clearly shines. The graphics are top notch, with some very realistic textures, lighting, and shadow effects. The graphics sort of remind me of Gears of War, I may be wrong because I haven't really played that much Gears of War, but its something I noticed. The shooting is done from a third-person perspective (Like gears of war), and features a cover system (....again, like gears of war.). I have to say the shooting and covering feels pretty good. To cover all you have to do is crouch down by pressing L3 and then moving up to a low wall, or if you want to cover behind a wall then you just walk up to it. The AI, in my opinion, is good. They use cover a lot, and don't pop out of cover when your shooting at them. They'll try to melee you if you get too close (which by the way you can also do), but it doesn't do much damage. Basically, the game is called Army of Two because you and your partner will have to help each other out when in tight spots or when its necessary. For example, if there is a ledge that you need to get to, your partner will get down and push you up; once your on top, you'll help your partner get up as well. You'll also find having a partner useful when your about to die; your partner can drag you out of the way of incoming fire and heal you.

There is also an Aggro meter, which is basically the amount of attention you or your partner is receiving from enemies. The idea is, is that whenever you get into a position where an enemy can only be taken down by shooting his back; you or your partner can begin shooting at the enemy, receiving more aggro, while the other person goes behind the enemy and kills him. It makes sense when your actually playing.

In the end, Army of Two is a solid shooter with a bad story, but very good gameplay.