Just a fun and brilliant game over all. It made it on made it on my top ten all time favorite game list.

User Rating: 9.5 | Army of Two X360
From when i first bought this game i liked it a lot. Even though it's a very short game the missions are fun and the sound is o.k. when you or one of your friends go to gamestop or ebgames make sur you get this game. this game is one my top ten list which follows: 10. MGS 2 9. Medal of honor rising sun 8. NBA 2k7 7. Pocketbike Racer 6. Lego Starwars the complete trilogy 5. WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007
4. Strangle Hold
3. Call of Duty 4
2. Halo 3
1. Army of Two or Lego Indiana Jones