Great CO-OP, but not quite what it was hyped up to be!
The story isn't very good, but it gets you from A to B without getting you bored. Missions are pretty much similar with the exception of location, and a couple of bosses. It's also very short, you'll easily finish it in a day or two, depending on how much you play and difficulty, experienced players should probably amp up difficulty before trying the first time, or you'll be done in about six to eight hours.
Controls work fine, though the ability to take cover like in Rainbow six Vegas or GRAW 2 would do a lot for the game play. You do take cover, but it's not as precise! You do have the ability to slide or roll towards cover, and this works very well.
It's not all bad though, if you really want to play this game to it's maximal potential, play it with a friend! The CO-OP is simply great. The aggro system works very well (with a few exceptions like machine gun turrets), and having a partner that actually does what he is told is great! The only bad thing about the CO-OP part is that you'll probably finish the game even faster.
It's actually kind of hard to give AoT a score, since the two ways to play the game are so different, even though the game is the same. So I'll have to split it up and meet half way between my own opinions and give it:
Single player - 6.5
CO-OP - 8.5
Combined score - 7.5 (Worth playing if you are into CO-OP!)