Check it out for yourself. Solid visuals. Beautiful cutscenes. Nice co-op gameplay, and overall decent mechanics.

User Rating: 8 | Army of Two PS3
This is the first time ive really disagreed with the gamespot review of a game. I felt that army of two deserves a lot more credit than it got. First of all your not supposed to play a co-op game by yourself. If you want a first person shooter you should be playing COD4 or Resistance:FOM. This game was meant to be played by two people playing with any less is just pointless. Like many others have said the AI for your teamate is truly retarded, unlike the AI for the terrorists who will truly merc you if given the chance. You've got to be truly tactical to succeed in this game, so play it very similarly to how you would play Rainbow Six Vegas I or II. Army of Two had some excellent cut scenes with graphics rivaling Uncharted, but the dialouge could be a little better. I didnt think it was nearly as over the top as most people commented. Sure it was a little bit extreme, but come on their mercenaries. Wouldn't you be too? Overall i thought the visuals in the game were excellent, and minus a few gliches in mechanics it played overall very nicely. Not nearly as bad as people play it out to be, but see for yourself. Its more assuredly worth a rent, and probably a used buy for those of you with a partner to join in the mayhem. Enjoy the merc session.