Duck and Shoot style gaming with fantastic Co-Op. Single player has its benefits but Bot Teammate is rather un-strategic
Key Positives:
-Fantastic Co-op, as long as your teammate is good!
-Great Weapon system for the style of game. The amount of upgrades for just about every gun make it every addicting.
-Online is very entertaining, however, it isn't for everyone
-Very good audibles, ambient, weapon, and voice sounds are great
-Controls easy to learn, and aim
Key Negative:
-Single player is fun, but bot teammate is a buzz kill
-Takes forever to earn enough money for the big guns
-Online isn't for everyone, however many find it very entertaining
-In game music must be of poor quality because I can't even recall it, or if there even is any?
Overall Worth Buying?
Yes, And certainly worth renting till you've had your fill. Great games