This is probably one of the best co-op games I have ever played, a must play for any true gamer. Great gameplay.

User Rating: 9.5 | Army of Two PS3
Amazing graphics and gun play. Very responsive A.I. Your communication in online play is very keen. This game is even great alone with the computer controlled character. If you like call of duty 4, do yourself a favor and at least give this game a rental. This game does what alot of games of its calibur counldn't do. Unbelievable gameplay strategy, unique story. I for one am a lover of call of duty 4, but this game has me hooked. If you don't get a chance to at least play this game, try and check out a video or a screen or something. Read a review on it, but also don't always believe what editors of game magazine's say. They base to much off of what type of games they like and not the general gaming public. You can't go around comparing every game to your favorite, you have to judge it by its catergory, the type of gameplay, whether its truly in depth or not. Its like comparing killzone (ps2) to halo (xbox). Yes both are 1st person shooters, but they are 2 different classes, one engrosses sci-fi action, the other near future war colonization. Army of two is in no means call of duty 4, but it still is a great game.