Fun game! a good rent/possible buy!
The single player is amazing, filled with intense action you will truly love. This game is truly great! The enemy AI will flank you and throw gernades, take cover when you are firing, it is truly something to be seen! but on a negative note the enemies are not all that varied, but that isnt a big deal you are not really looking at them, you are shooting them!
The campaign is not all that long, but it is really fun, so fun you may want to play it again alone. If not you can bring a buddy with you and do the entire campaign, because we all know playing with a buddy is always so much more enjoyable! But if you dont have a buddy the AI i think does a great job filling the void. A lot of people have complained the AI wasnt all that great, but i havent had any major game stopping problems. The AI dragged me to good locations to heal, if he was about to die he would run off until he was okay and come back to heal, it is really smart i find.
Graphicly the game looks good. Environments can look washed out, but other ones like the Carrier mission the water looks fantastic. Character models look fantastic also of the two players you can choose to play as!
Final comments, this game is atleast a rental, and if you and a buddy find the game interesting and want to play long term campaign online it is definetly worth a buy! this game has a lot of fun, even if the replay value isnt all what a person would want it to be, this game is truly short and sweet from start to finish!!