Short, but enjoyable. Very nice game.
User Rating: 8 | Army of Two X360
You can sit down and beat the game in a day easy! Very short storyline. The multiplayer co-op is very nice, I've yet to try the multiplayer veruses modes so I can't review that part. The game functions pretty well, and the AI doesn't have to hard of a time being aggreesive and elusive at the same time. On the professional mode you will notice if you PAY ATTENTION, to give the computer a upper hand it increases accuracy (nothing wrong with that) and randomly spawns bad guys on the map, sometimes behind you. (That I did not like.) The Agro meter was a good approach to game, and I feel over looked in warfare. If someone is shooting at you - its really hard to keep track of anyone else, and the agro meter displays this correctly. While it doesn't make you entirely invisiable, it makes it easy for you to flank the enemy. The bullets fly abit slow, and after awhile it feels like Gears of War (this time the main characters left the anabolic steroids behind, they are abit smaller.) The co-op split screen runs good, and still looks decent, the multiplayer co-op is also a treat. The storyline is abit iffy, doesn't leave you guessing at all. Don't pick this up thinking it will be a realistic shooter because its not. Its a tactical shooter, there is a large difference, even though there is a presense of this in a realistic shooter. I would love to see these guys make a realistic shooter, I feel they could make it shine.
Either way this game was made to HOLD ME OVER, until Vegas 2. It has good game play, good cover options, although sometimes its hard to get the camera to pan to the left side when your trying to fire off that direction, which lets the baddies take cover before you can get into position...
Rent it, simply because how short it was. If the game was longer, had a larger multiplayer (again haven't played mutliplayer yet, but I don't think it will be alot of fun, due to low numbers. 2-4 players!?)
Decent game, afew flaws hold it back from being a top dog on my list.
Ignore the typos - in a hurry.