An entertaining but very short shooter.
The gameplay is fairly straightforward. You issue commands to your teamate to flank,cover,blind-fire,hold position and heal you while your down. Honestly,your partnet is compentent and pretty much does as he's told.
The actual game consists of 6 missions and a training mission. You'll move through each level dispatching enemies and completing some simple objectives. During the game you increase Aggro by fighting acgressively and enemies will direct all their fire at you allowing you to have your partner sneak in and flank them. This become important to take down certain enemies.
Graphics are pretty good. The game runs on the Unreal 3 engine and maintains a good framerate even with a lot going on and good use of HDR throughout the levels.
Sound is mixed,most guns sound similar and the music is nothing special.
Through the game you'll earn money as you kill enemies and destroy targets,allowing you to buy weapons from shops and upgrade them.
The game is very good overall,but it is very short(6-8 hrs)