Playing alone or got a buddy over either way this game WILL deliver!
Next is the big standout of the game and thats its gameplay. This is one of the few games that realy make a difference with its co-op play and dont just use it as some kind of bonus. If you have someone to play with. I highly suggest you play through the game with them it realy adds to te experience.
But if your not able too the single player provides a great engaging game without sacrafising the whole team work aspect. The single player AI is also smart and fun to play with. Not making stupid moves or leaving you too do all the work. But then again this also goes for the enemy AI witch does a good job giving you one hell of a challenge. They will give no mercy and that includes when your trying to provide medical aid to your team mate if you go down. But this is when the agro system kicks in. Where one player gets the enemies attension while the other flanks them. But if the other player makes a mistake agro may either switch to the other player or you both will sharing it. This is ONE of the reasons that the whole teamwork aspect works great. The story also helps move the game along pretty well. But its nothing that is suppose to make a trademark on the game. Last but deffinitly not the least is the customization. Theres a great amount of weapons in the game wich give you different advantages in different sennarios but you can customize them for different situations. For example i can get a M4 and put a shield on the front and a larger clip size if im planning on getting in alot of firefight situations. Or i could put a more acurate barrel and a silencer for stealthy situations. Or i could just "pimp" it by having the gun goldplated and all shiny for some personal satisfaction. Things like this can be done to all your weapons. You carry 3 on each mission. A primary like an assault rifle or machine gun, a secondary such as a pistol or submachine gun, and a special. Wich would be a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher. Customization also goes to your armor too.
Overall the game is great whether your planning on playing by yourself
or with a buddy. If you dont have one with you the online co-op works too. Its also good for anyone looking for a good shooter. Realistic or fictional. The game has a lot of character and to put it easy if like shooters BUY THIS!!!