Army of Two trys to deliver a tactical experience but throws us an arcade game of action and bad aiming
The result is a slick looking game with some nice little features and some smooth AI.
The game enters in Somalia with our two main characters Salem and Rios, both US Rangers who after training get orders to assist with an assassination of a warlord with a crazy fella called Cylde who works for SSC - a Private Military Corporation or "PMC".
The plot takes us from Somalia, Iraq, A US Aircraft Carrier, China then to Miami, each of which has some pretty basic objective to complete and a large amount of enemies trying to stop you from doing that.
The enemies that'll try and stop you are relatively smart, as in they will flank you and kill you pretty quickly most of the time.
The game is hugely based apon the Co-op mode which is a nice idea in theory and when you have no friends on to play with the AI does a fair job of replicating a human player with the orders you can give via a few buttons.
With Co-op the games based around the "Aggro" system. Basically one player shoots at the enemy to gain attention and all enemies will focus on that player allowing the other to flank and kill the baddies.
It is a good system but it's used to much to be special, if you don't flank you will die simple as and there are not any other tactics that can really be implimented into the playing style.
As for the story, there are a few twists but nothing I'd really call fantastic although there is some good humor in the game and it can be a good laugh at points.
The multiplayer vs mode is...Quite frankly rubbish, its a game of who can throw the most grenades the quickest most of the time although when you don't get people throw 20 grenades in your direction every time they spawn it can be very fun...Although again a few hours playing and I didn't come across any of these people, also it is PLAGUED with people that'll quit if you complete the objectives maps first.
There are three vs modes "Warzone", "Extraction" and "Bounty"
Warzone is your basic kill or be killed, Extraction is get a hostage held by enemy AI to extraction and stop the other players team from extracting him and bounty is what you'd expect assassinate a group a AI enemies before the other player team.
There is no deathmatch and its only 2 vs 2 vs 100x AI sadly, I would have liked a 2 vs 2 deathmatch but its non-exsistant really.
Overall EA have a damn lot to explain such as, why on EARTH was this game delayed so long?? a 4 hour campaign and a lousy weapon upgrade system with a half-baked VS mode? Save your money and purchase something else.
Reviewed on Xbox 360