Army of Two brings a new experience to the table, but lacks the characteristics to make it worth playing again.

User Rating: 7.5 | Army of Two X360
Army of Two was definitely a must buy for me. I didn't really care about the whole "EA" thing going on with people. I always go by how fun the game looks when buying a game. Well, I bought it the first day it came out and played for hours straight. I was amazed, the game looked beautiful. I felt so lucky to be playing this game. So here is my thoughts on the game:

Gameplay: Controls are not that bad. When walking backwards and firing, that is the biggest issue i had with the game. Sometimes, he wouldnt know wether to fire from his right or left, so the enemy would kill me. Moving around feels a little slow. The cover system is alright, while you arent completely stuck to the wall, your more like just crouching behind it. You can still fire around corners and blind fire and such.

Story: Game has an O.K. story to it. It does deal with current and past events. (Which kind of bothered me) But its just a game right? Me being in the Army and all, i really dont care for the things they say about us in this game. Game lasted me about 6hours on recruit. I was highly disappointed. Game only had like 6 missions. I then played it on professional, and it felt even easier than recruit. So when you purchase this game dont be expecting a Mass effect duration here.

Weapons: The weapons system in this game can be related to the weapons system in counter Strike, you kill, get money, buy upgrades. You can buy barrels, stocks, suppressors, you can even pimp out your gun to gold and silver.

Overall: Game could use some more add ons to make it last longer. Once you beat it 3-4 times, even on co-op, game gets boring. Yes it looks good and yes its fun, but that all dies out on the fifth run. I highly recommend renting first.