Co-op is no longer a mode its the game!

User Rating: 7.5 | Army of Two X360
I picked this game up after seeing the trailer for it about 3 months back. I was glad to break away from the FPS's I had been playing for the last 2 months and with Army of Two I was not disappointed. For starters the visuals on this game are brilliant although not quite COD4 they are great especially on parachuting through Afghanistan. The campaign itself is quite good but is REALLY short (I finished it in a night) which does pose a problem if your only planning on playing the campaign. However the campaign is very re playable (I'm on my 6th run through) with the added incentive of achievements and upgrading your weapons. This is another excellent part about this game is that you can upgrade your weapons both during and after missions which can make a big difference especially towards the end of the game. This also brings greater variety to the weapons on the game that are already quite diverse. The gameplay is great with intense firefights and sniping aspects. The multiplayer is very good and will probably dominate your time playing this game. Overall I would say this is an impressive game with good gameplay and fun multiplayer - a must buy if you love co-oping.