The game has alot to offer

User Rating: 8 | Army of Two PS3
After playing threw this game over and over and over again a 6.5 is a rather harsh score in my opinion. This game is challenging at the same time plain fun to play single player is alright and you can get into the story.

But where this game really shines is online the Coop missions online are priceless fun as well as the versus mode it has some of the coolest things you can see in today's gen games. With a solid system and the availability of being able to use a head set this game it top notch when it comes into Coop play.

the replay value is golden you can beat the game with a friend online unlock all the weapons then go threw it all over again with different tactics techniques and weapons with a harder difficulty. It never fails to amuse nor will it disappoint.

Graphics: the graphics are easily noticeable of next gen material where the textures are beautiful and detail is great as the animations are on par. you can easily say that this game has a good amount of eye candy to make you say that is pertty.

Sound: This game in no way will make you feel like your shooting a animated textured weapon, for this is one of the shining points in this game the sounds of action on a HD TV make you feel like your in a warzone and it makes you use your hearing sense for you can hear where the gun fire is coming from and if someone is creeping up on you.

Controls: where the controls are decent they can be frustrating at some points of the game you will get angered by the stupidity of how your player controls. an example would be if you are leaned up against a wall and you see some one rushing you around the corner your first instinct would be melee, some of the times you will see your guy shooting forward as the guy passes right past you and hits you in the back of the head, Instead of knocking the dude into next weak with a rifle butt or a kick to the face.

Story: the story of this game is rather fair nothing to exhilarating it has an okay start and an okay ending nothing much to say in this category.

Multiplayer: This is this games highest shining point out of any category the online is unbelievable where it has a great new experience to offer you as you can compare it to splinter cell chaos theory. The COOP is breath taking being able to flank and use tactics of your choice without a stupid AI it's an awesome feeling. Where the versus mode will get you addicted if you give it time at first you might see it as dull and pointless but after you get use to it you see it as kick ass and addictive.

Overall: and my overall score of this game is a well deserved 8.0/10 it's great its fun simple and brings new things to the table, you will find your self coming back to this game quite often for the replay value is very high and being able to play versus and witness the experience of a 4 man melee brawl is something you don't see in a lot of games. If I could rate this an 8.2/10 I would but I can't.