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Acclaimed RPG Odin Sphere Getting HD Remake in North America

The PS2 RPG is being remade, and it's coming to the West.


Odin Sphere was originally released on the PlayStation 2 in 2007, and now it's getting an HD remake on Sony platforms called Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir. Publisher Atlus confirmed today that the remake is coming to North America.

The acclaimed RPG from Vanillaware is being overhauled, and Atlus promises that it won't just be a visual upgrade. Alongside redrawn art and graphical enhancements, Vanillaware is updating combat and RPG mechanics. The game is also receiving some new content, including additional monsters and fully voiced story scenes.

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It's going to be available either physically and digitally on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita. It will launch sometime in 2016, but there's no word on an European release yet.

When it was originally released on PS2, it was lauded for its beautiful art and good story. In our GameSpot review, critic Greg Mueller praised its music, art, and action, but knocked it for an obtuse inventory and technical issues. You can read our review of the original Odin Sphere here.

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