Apex Legends Lost Progression Bug Fixed, New Patch Out Now
Respawn gives the all-clear.
Rest easy, your Apex Legends progress is now safe. Respawn has provided another update on the Apex Legends bug that emerged on Wednesday. In a post on Reddit, it explained that, following the release of the game's latest patch, "players were unintentionally moved to the wrong servers that didn't have their persistence and this caused players accounts to appear reset with all progression lost."
Although it seemed as if those players had lost all of their hard-earned progress and items, that actually was not the case. Respawn took servers offline to work on the issue, and if you log back in now, you should have everything back that you earned prior to the update's release. The patch rolled out at 10 AM PT on Wednesday, so any progress you made after that but before the fix has been reset. That's unfortunate for some, as certain players had reported unlocking skins for the as-of-yet unreleased L-Star LMG weapon.
Here's Respawn's explanation of what happened:
- Any in-game purchases and progress acquired during the time between 1.1 going live and the fix will be reverted - levels earned, items unlocked, packs opened, and spent currency. If you continued to play and didn't patch then this will not affect you.
- Any currency purchased, spent or not, will be carried back over to their original account state. i.e. - if you bought $20 worth of coins, and spent $18, then you will get $20 after the fix.
With all of this sorted out, you can now go about checking out what's new in the latest patch. The highlights, as noted below, include a way to party up with squadmates you've matched up with, among other things. The original story follows.
Respawn has put out a warning that there's a pretty serious bug in Apex Legends right now. It's tied to the battle royale title's latest update, patch 1.1--which is live now--and it deletes your in-game progress. Meanwhile, the game's servers appear to be down at the time of this writing.
To stave off the bug, Respawn wrote a quick post on Reddit advising all players to "not buy or craft anything" until the issue is resolved. The post did not list any specific platform, so it's implied the bug is affecting all versions of Apex Legends on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. There's no time table for how long it will be before this is fixed, or if impacted players will be able to recover their lost progression
It also seems like players can no longer log in to Apex Legends' servers either, regardless of platform. Specifically, players are getting an error stating "no servers found." It's possible that the servers have been deliberately shut down in order to stop players from logging in and losing their progress. However, Respawn has not issued an official statement in regards to the server shutdown.
The update in question, Patch 1.1, is (ironically enough) a quality-of-life patch for Apex Legends. Patch 1.1 adds a feature that allows you to invite the squadmates you just played with to join you in a party. So if there's ever a random teammate you meet online that you want to play with again, you can easily find them. The update also implements a mute button on Apex Legends' intro and character select screens, and creates an option to report players for cheating or "Other." Octane's jump pads no longer affect Wraith while she's using her Into the Void ability as well.
Patch 1.1 implements a few bug fixes too. The three of them are outlined below. If you're curious, Respawn has posted the full patch notes for Apex Legends' latest update on Reddit.
Apex Legends Patch 1.1 Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the Battle Pass rewards page would not have a default item selected, resulting in a mostly blank page.
- Fixed bug for PS4 and Xbox One where sometimes attempting to use a keyboard to chat could cause a fatal script error.
- Fixed bug with Banner Cards not showing up during and at the end of a match.
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