Lifeline Guide - Apex Legends
Save lives with these Lifeline tips.
All of the characters in Apex Legends have their own unique set of special abilities that give them meaningful strengths and weaknesses, and each is geared toward fulfilling a vital role on their team. When it comes to Lifeline, Apex Legends' combat medic, it's all about staying alive so you can help your teammates stay up and in the fight. Despite a series of changes that have altered how she's played throughout the life of the game, Lifeline continues to provide some solid support abilities, but she lacks any offensive options. She can be a helpful character to have on a team, but if you decide to take this medic for a spin, you'll need to be smart about using her abilities to the fullest and ensure that your teammates can support you.
Your abilities give life
Lifeline is the only true medic in Apex Legends, and as such, you'll see her on a lot of teams. Her healing abilities can be indispensable in times of crisis, making it a little easier to revive downed teammates and get them back up to fighting strength in the middle of a firefight.

Lifeline's passive ability is Combat Revive, which allows you to set out up to two revive drones at one time, leaving you to move around and continue fighting in battle. It's just important to protect your teammates during this hands-off revival to avoid having them be the primary target of enemies.
Her D.O.C. Heal Drone is a great tactical ability that can save teammates and yourself from spending their health items. Lifeline can drop the drone anywhere, and anyone standing close to it gets health restored--although how much health the drone can dish out is limited, and gets split between all the nearby players. You should also note that anyone, including opponents, can make use of a healing done, so be sure to be careful about where you summon it.
Lastly, her ultimate ability is Care Package, which allows her to call her own supply drop anywhere she wants. It's not quite as good as the supply drops that appear automatically on the map from time to time, but it's still pretty solid and can include defensive items, so you can get some sweet armor and healing items out of them--and even high-level weapon attachments.
Stick together, but play the backlines
Playing Lifeline well is all about working with your team and staying together. She's best kept close to other players but away from the front lines to lessen the chances that she'll get knocked down, so that when other players need help, she can assist them. She also lacks abilities that can help her escape in emergencies--she has nothing like the grapples, smoke, and shields that other characters can use. When you're playing Lifeline, you need to be smart and protect yourself so that you can protect your teammates.
Choose appropriate weaponry
Going after revives will put you in the thick of the action, so it's best to be ready to defend yourself. Pick weapons that offer a lot of range, like the Longbow or the G7 Scout, as well as shotguns or submachine guns for up-close encounters. Remember that while your job is to revive and heal people, getting killed while you do it is a great way to lose matches; shoot first, revive second.

More ultimates means more gear
Whether you're playing as Lifeline or you have one on your team, keep an eye out for Ultimate Accelerants. Lifeline has one of the longer Ultimate cooldown timers, and the quicker you can get care packages, the quicker you can grab high-tier defensive loot. It's also worth trying to get several of Lifeline's care packages in a single match to help kit everyone else out.
You can be trickier than you realize
If you're set on gear and you still have a care package ultimate ready, try using it to distract enemies or confuse them. You can drop a package in one direction and run in the other, for instance, or call one and use it to draw out another squad for an ambush. Hilariously, you can even kill enemy players by landing care packages on them, and you use them to crowd tight areas or for cover--so get creative.
You can't heal anyone if you're dead
Lifeline's quick healing means you should try to stay as healthy as possible. If you can manage to heal up without leaving your teammates hanging during a fight, do it; your chances of winning a fight are always higher if you have a higher health pool. Just remember that, in a fight, helping your team keep shooting is usually better than falling back. Gaining or losing a numerical advantage usually determines which team wins a battle.
Prepare to be the main target
Lifeline is a great support character, but her lack of offensive abilities means that all you've really got in a fight are your guns and your wits. You've got nothing that can help you escape bad situations or save you in a pinch, so you'll want to be careful about the fights you get into and where you get into them. Lifeline is best when she has ample cover that she can use to protect herself and maybe even heal up, as well as clear escape lanes for when things get too hairy. If you're going to get into a fight with Lifeline, give yourself the best chance you can of surviving.
Lifeline is particularly vulnerable to things like sniping and airstrikes thanks to her lack of emergency abilities, so do your best to keep your head down--you're a high-value target for any squad trying to cripple your team in a fight. Conversely, if you're fighting another squad, their Lifeline can be an easier target than other characters for those same reasons. Taking out Lifeline early can make it tougher for a squad to recover in the midst of fighting you.
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