Apex Legends Season 4 Will See Kings Canyon Map Return, But Not Yet
It's official, Apex Legends' original map is coming back.
Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation will add new character Forge, new sniper rifle the Sentinel, and new changes to World's Edge. You won't just be playing on World's Edge though, as Season 4 will see the return of Kings Canyon. That said, the original map of Apex Legends isn't coming back at the start of Season 4. [Update: The map may not be back yet, but World's Edge changes have been implemented as part of the big Season 4 update that's out now. Besides that, there's also the actual new character--Revenant--a Battle Pass, and much more to check out.]
During Assimilation, Apex Legends Ranked Mode is being reworked so that it's now split into two separate series. The first series will begin with the new season and continue through to March 23. The second series picks up on March 24 and continues until the end of Season 4, May 5.
Apex Legends News
Like in Season 3: Meltdown, you'll see your rank knocked down two notches at the start of Assimilation, and your ranking will similarly reset halfway through the season when the second series begins--allowing you to earn two different rankings. Your end-of-season rewards will be based on whichever series you rank higher in. So if you reach Diamond IV in series one but only Platinum I in series two, for example, you'll be awarded Diamond-tier items at the end of Assimilation.
So how does this relate to Kings Canyon? Well, the first series of Assimilation will take place on World's Edge, while the second will see you play on Kings Canyon. So Kings Canyon is coming back to Apex Legends in Season 4, just not until March 24.
Kings Canyon was the only map in Apex Legends during Season 1: Wild Frontier and Season 2: Battle Charge, only to be completely replaced by World's Edge at the start of Meltdown. The map has made reappearances in certain limited-time events during Season 3--specifically, Fight or Fright and Grand Soirée Arcade--though its return in Assimilation will be the first time the map has been in the game for longer than a few weeks since its removal. When the map was removed, Respawn explained that Kings Canyon was taken out because the developer was worried that most players would gravitate to the original map without trying the new one if both were available at the same time.
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