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As the NFL Season Kicks Off, Get Madden 17 for $40 Today

It's only been out for a few weeks, and you can already buy it for $20 off.


The NFL season gets underway tonight with a Super Bowl rematch between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers. To mark the occasion, you can grab this year's Madden game for just $40 right now.

Amazon is offering Madden 17 for that price on PS4, Xbox One, PS3, and Xbox 360. This is true of physical copies only; if you want a digital version, you'll still be paying the usual $60 price. Those wanting to upgrade to the Deluxe Edition (which comes with bonus in-game content) can do so for $70, $10 less than the usual price. These offers are only available for today, September 8.

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If you'd prefer to shop at Best Buy, the retailer has the game on sale for $50 this week. Those with a Gamers Club Unlocked membership can therefore get it for $40, thanks to the 20 percent discount they receive. The Deluxe Edition is also down to $70 here, and with GCU, it's $56.

For an idea of what to expect, check out our Madden 17 review and review roundup.

You can grab the game at Amazon or Best Buy through the links below.


Best Buy

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