Assassin's Creed, Driver, Splinter Cell, reimagined for 3DS
E3 2010: Ubisoft today confirms six launch titles for Nintendo's glasses-free 3D portable, including an Assassin's Creed origin story, retooled Tom Clancy games, a new Driver title, and more.
LOS ANGELES--This morning in the Nokia Theater, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata officially revealed the company's next portable gaming machine, the 3DS. First-party revival title Kid Icarus: Uprising stole the show, but the system will play host to a smorgasbord of third-party games as well.
French publisher Ubisoft will be a day-one supporter of the handheld device, as the company today announced six titles from varying genres and franchises, including a Driver installment, an Assassin's Creed title, and others, for the 3DS.
Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy sees Ezio travel east to the Assassins' lost castle in Masyaf, where he'll seek out the origin of his order, further connecting the events of the series.
Driver Renegade for the 3DS will put players in the shoes of ex-cop John Tanner, working outside the law to fight crime in New York City. Further, there are five city-controlling bosses to take down.
Hollywood 61, the working title for Ubisoft's "interactive 3D movie," includes 150 puzzles to solve and tasks players with mastering mind games.
Stepping back in time, Ubisoft will release Battle of Giants: Dino Strike. Set 150 million years ago, Dino Strike has players fighting through the Jurassic Age against other equally large creatures, such as reptilian snarling beasts.
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