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Atari sets Crashday for early 2006

The PC racer will include racing and destruction game modes as well as an in-game track and car editor when released next year.


Atari's new racing game will be crashing and burning its way onto UK PC's next February, the company announced. The game, titled Crashday, is currently in coproduction by German developers Moon Byte and Replay Studios. Atari has not yet announced plans to release the racer stateside.

Crashday is set to feature a bevy of game modes, including racing, stunt show, and wrecking match, in which the player can arm the vehicle with a variety of weapons, and pass the bomb, which plays like an explosive version of tag, in addition to several minigames. Most play modes and minigames will be playable both online and off.

In addition, players will be able to create new cars and tracks using an in-game editor. Atari promises support of an online community so that players can easily share their tracks in-game and then race them online.

Check GameSpot for more on the game as it becomes available.

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