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Avengers: Infinity War's Arrested Development Character Easter Egg

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The newest Avengers movie, Infinity War, is in theatres now. If you've seen the film and stayed for the credits (as you should, this being a Marvel movie and all), you might have noticed that the credits include mention of a "character from Arrested Development."

Yes, really. We failed to spot the reference ourselves--it's a blink-and-you-miss-it one. But according to, a blue-skinned, mustachioed man can be spotted in the Collector's chamber during the film. And there's only one person that could be: Tobias Fünke.

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Anthony Russo told HelloGiggles that diehard Arrested Development fans will see it on their first viewing, though he said you'll need to pay "careful attention" to notice it.

Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo directed multiple episodes of Arrested Development, so it's not completely out of left field. Also, they included an Arrested Development reference in Captain America: Civil War, so this is expected at this point.

GameSpot's Infinity War review praised the superhero film.

"Marvel has accomplished something truly incredible here, although at this point it's no more than the absurdly high quality bar Marvel fans have come to expect," reviewer Michael Rougeau said. "It's been a long road getting here, but it was worth it."

Infinity War is expected to make an incredible amount of money for its opening, potentially enough to make it one of the most successful openings in the history of film.

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