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Bayonetta demo spearing 360, PS3 in Japan - Report

More than a few games have succumbed to the urge to flee the 2009 holiday release window in the hopes of finding more receptive audiences during the first part of 2010. One such game is Bayonetta, a new intellectual property from Sega and MadWorld studio Platinum Games. Having previously scheduled...


More than a few games have succumbed to the urge to flee the 2009 holiday release window in the hopes of finding more receptive audiences during the first part of 2010. One such game is Bayonetta, a new intellectual property from Sega and MadWorld studio Platinum Games. Having previously scheduled the game for a late 2009 release in the US, Sega said in July that it was now targeting a January 2010 release in a bid to find "the optimum release time in the Western markets."

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With the game scheduled for an October release for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in Japan, Sega reportedly confirmed as part of an event in the region over the weekend that a demo for the stylized action adventure is en route. As reported by AndriaSang, producer Yusuke Hashimoto stated that Platinum is "currently hard at work on it," though no specific time frame was mentioned.

Interestingly, Hashimoto indicated that the demo will be more than just a sampler, offering original content that will somehow tie in with the full version of the game. "It will be more than just a demo that's pulled from the middle of the game," he reportedly said. "We'd like to make it so that those who have already bought the game will make new discoveries if they play the demo."

Hashimoto did not indicate whether the demo would see a worldwide release, and Sega of America had not returned requests for comment as of press time. For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of Bayonetta.

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