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Better Call Saul Star Shows His Butt Tattoo, As Season 5 Is Confirmed

Bob Odenkirk shows off his butt tattoo.


Better Call Saul has been renewed for a fifth season, network AMC has announced (via Collider). That's great news for fans eager to see the show continue and add more Breaking Bad characters down the road as has been hinted at.

But the real news is that Bob Odenkirk is so dedicated to the show that he dropped his pants at a Television Critics Association event this weekend and revealed a Better Call Saul (temporary) tattoo. The tattoo shows the Better Call Saul logo and the August 6 premiere date for Season 4. Here's what it looks like:

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Now Playing: Better Call Saul - Official Season 4 Comic-Con Trailer | SDCC 2018

Earlier this month at San Diego Comic-Con, creator Vince Gilligan teased that a number of Breaking Bad characters will likely show up in future seasons of Better Call Saul. In addition to Saul Goodman, Better Call Saul already features Breaking Bad characters Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) and Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks).

Interestingly, Gilligan recently told EW that Better Call Saul Season 4 will feature some scenes set during the Breaking Bad timeline, so that could be a signal for Hank Schrader or another character to appear.

In other Breaking Bad news, you can enter this contest for a chance to "cook" with Cranston and Paul in the actual RV from the acclaimed AMC show.

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