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Blizzard President Denounces Hate And Harassment In Gaming Industry

Mike Morhaime says a small group has been "making some people's lives miserable, and they are tarnishing our reputation as gamers. It's not right."

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Before diving into announcing new games and updates today at Blizzcon, Blizzard president, chief executive officer, and co-founder Mike Morhaime denounced the recent spate of hate and harassment in the video game industry.

"Over the past couple of months, there's been a small group of people who have been doing really awful things," Morhaime told the assembled group during the opening ceremony. "They have been making some people's lives miserable, and they are tarnishing our reputation as gamers. It's not right."

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Over the past few months, the gaming community has found itself making mainstream headlines over harassment and terror campaigns oftentimes linked--accurately or not--to the "Gamergate" movement. Morhaime did not mention this campaign by name during his speech today at Blizzcon.

He went on to say that an event like Blizzcon can be a "great example of how positive and uplifting gaming" and its community can be. He said he hopes the positive energy from this weekend at Blizzcon can carry forward and reach gamers around the world.

"Let's carry the good vibes from this weekend out into the world all year round," he said. "There is another person on the other end of the chat screen. They're our friends. Our brothers and sisters. Our sons and daughters. Let's take a stand to reject hate and harassment. And let's redouble our efforts to be kind and respectful for one another, and let's remind the world what the game community is really all about."

Blizzcon began today and runs through Saturday, November 8, when Metallica will close out the show with a concert. The biggest announcement so far was Blizzard's reveal of a new team-based shooter called Overwatch. You can read lots more about that game here. GameSpot has editors on the ground at the Anaheim Convention Center reporting from the show all weekend long. Check back soon for more.

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