Bungie Disables Destiny 2's Trials Of Osiris After A Bug Breaks It [Update]
Going flawless in Trials during the first weekend of the Season of Arrivals wasn't working for players, so Bungie has disabled the mode indefinitely.
[Update: This bug has been fixed and the Trials of Osiris are coming back to the game.]
If you were looking forward to jumping into the first Trials of Osiris weekend of Destiny 2's new Season of Arrivals, we've got some bad news. Bungie has disabled the mode in order to deal with a bug that's broken the rewards for the mode, and it'll stay offline for the rest of the inaugural weekend of Season 11.
According to Bungie, the bug messes things up for players who achieve a flawless "Trials Passage," the card that tracks wins in the highly competitive multiplayer mode. In Trials, your goal is to win seven multiplayer matches before losing a total of three, but you get the best rewards come if you manage seven wins and no losses--a flawless run.
When that happens, you get access to a special social space called the Lighthouse, where you get some of the best rewards in Destiny 2. But the new bug plaguing the game is disrupting things for players who go flawless, preventing them from reaching the Lighthouse.
We are investigating an issue where players are unable to visit the Lighthouse after completing a Flawless Trials Passage.
— Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) June 12, 2020
Trials of Osiris has been disabled for the remainder of the weekend, and will be unavailable until this issue can be resolved.
Stay tuned for updates.
Trials is definitely off the table this weekend, but according to Bungie's tweet, it might stay down for longer. The developer seemingly hasn't identified the bug messing up Trials yet, so we don't know how long it might take to fix it. That means that Trials could stay down for future weekends as well while Bungie figures out what's wrong. That's a bummer for all the competitive Destiny 2 players who were looking forward to taking on the challenge with the start of the new season, and presumably, a fresh crop of players looking to test their luck in the mode.
We'll update this story if Bungie shares any more details about when Trials might be re-enabled. In the meantime, if you're still confused about the new activities in the Season of Arrivals, check out our guide running down how Contact and Umbral Engrams work.
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