Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare 1.08 Patch Out Now, Here's What It Does
A new patch has arrived.
With a Double XP event already underway, Infinity Ward has rolled out a new update for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare that adds new leaderboards and makes a number of changes.
The patch, 1.08, is out now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and weighs in at around 2 GB, according to Charlie Intel. Size may vary by platform.

As outlined in the official patch notes, the new update also introduces Mission Team Ranks, adds the Call of Duty World League Personalization Pack, and makes a number of bug fixes--one of these is a "safeguard against jitter mod exploits." Additionally, the patch includes some changes and new features for Call of Duty World League and Codcaster.
You can see the complete patch notes below.
This patch comes just days before Infinite Warfare's first expansion, Sabotage, comes out on January 31 for PS4. The expansion includes new multiplayer maps and Zombies content that features film director Kevin Smith. You can read more about Sabotage here.
Infinite Warfare January 27 Patch Notes
Complete new missions to achieve Commander Ranks!
- Each Mission Team now goes up to Rank 100! Once you hit that level 50 rank, you'll go on to chase after a Commander rank until you reach Mission Team Commander Rank 100!
- New ranks better rewards, so Commander Ranks will reward you MKII versions of Mission Team-only Prototype weapons once achieved. You can also craft more! Commander Ranks reward salvage every level you rank up as long as that level isn’t giving you a MKII Prototype reward.
Features Update
- Leaderboards – Today!
- Combat Record – Late February
- Emblem Editor – Late February
Featured Content and What's New
- 2XP and 2X Weapon XP in MP and Zombies until February 3rd (all platforms)
- Hyper Team Deathmatch until February 3rd: Payload charge rates are bumped to 7x their normal speed (all platforms)
- Call of Duty World League Personalization Pack
- Barracks now include a section for Medals
General Fixes
- Added ability for both splitscreen players to change their own Missions in the lobby before a match starts
- Safeguard against jitter mod exploits
- Defender: Fix for exploit that could occur if a player using Rewind spawns on a newly spawned Defender drone, allowing the player to carry their gun as they carry the drone
- Adjusted Taunt menu to wrap to the bottom of the list
- During the final killcam, the team emblem shown was the emblem of the user who died rather than the player who got the kill. This has been fixed.
- Hardcore Search and Destroy: Fix for “Friendly Fire is not Tolerated” displaying after every round for the remainder of the game
- Added ability to equip Calling Card and emblem after acquiring them from a Supply Drop
- Camo challenges involving Direct Impact kills with the Howitzer were not tracking. This has been fixed.
- Various updates to weapon camos
- Fix for players SPM not being calculated correctly in some instances
- Camo adjustment for the MK2 R3k not covering the right side of the weapon
- Allow players to skip Mission Team videos even if it’s their first time seeing them
- Fix for the KBS Harbinger reload animation playing twice while holding down both triggers
- Fixed an issue where the Jammer Grenade was not damaging scorestreaks correctly
- Fixed an error a player would receive when attempting to edit a class with the OSA
- Fix for an issue where players with akimbo weapons were immune to the Steel Dragon
- Fix for team colors not appearing the proper shade
- Added CWL specific game mode icons
- Fix for Cold Blooded not affecting Thermal Scope for Casters (Xbox)
- Adjusted the position of the gamemode icon so the Uplink image does not stretch
- Removing the required number of players for CWL matches
- Allow for multiple casters in the same lobby
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