Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Graphics Comparison
It's on them all, you might as well see how Modern Warfare 2 measures up on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the PC.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is all the rage at the moment. And with a simultaneous release across the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, it's definitely worth the effort to see how the game looks on all of them. It's clear that Infinity Ward spent a lot of time polishing the engine for speed. The game runs great on both of the consoles and doesn't require a beast of a computer to run well. We could crank up the resolution and all the high-quality settings with the $160 Radeon HD 5770 and play the game stutter-free. As usual, the PC version of the game looks better, but that's mainly due to higher-resolution textures and the ability to crank up antialiasing and anisotropic filtering settings. Outside of a few blurry textures on the PlayStation 3, the two console versions look largely the same.
We captured the following shots at 720p across both consoles and the PC to keep everything even. On the PC, we enabled all the highest-quality settings, as well as 4x antialiasing and 8x anisotropic filtering. On the consoles, we captured the images directly over HDMI using the Matrox MXO2 Mini and used FRAPs to capture screenshots on the PC.
The first shot represents a shrunk-down version of the originals, and the second zoomed-in set is representative of an actual pixel-to-pixel comparison.
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