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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Walkthrough

Stay frosty with our step-by-step walkthrough for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.


The launch of Modern Warfare 2 may be one of the biggest gaming events in recent memory…and also one of the toughest. As such, we've prepared a step-by-step guide that'll hold your hand through every battle, providing you with the information you need out on the field. Oh, and we'll even point out the locations of the enemy intel as well.

Stay frosty.

Spoilers Ahead! Please be aware that there may be some minor spoilers throughout the guide. Read at your own discretion.

Here's what you'll find in GameSpot's the Modern Warfare 2 Game Guide:

  • Boot Camp: Our boot camp will whip your sorry butt into shape for the battlefield.
  • Walkthrough: War's tough, but we're tougher--check here for a step-by-step guide through every mission.
  • Intel Locations: Track down all of the enemy intel with our list.
  • Xbox 360 Achievements: Find out how to unlock Modern Warfare 2's achievements.
  • PS3 Trophies: We've got your trophies right here.

General Tips

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Act I: S.S.D.D

Shoot the Targets

You heard the man! Grab the weapon from the table before you by holding "X" (360) or "Triangle" (PS3) while looking at it. After grabbing your weapon, spin around and begin shooting the targets while firing from the hip (that is, don't look down the weapons' sight). As the sergent points out, shooting from the hip gets the job done, but is widely inaccurate. Now try crouching first (which stabilizes your aim) and look down the weapon's sights (by holding left-trigger) to aim for the remaining targets. The insturctuer will then walk you through quickly switching between targets and shooting through wooden material. Finally, he'll conclude with a quick grenade tutorial--grab from some the table and lob one into the group of targets by tapping the right-bumper (360) or R1 (PS3).

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About Sight Aiming Not only does is it easier to target enemies while looking down your weapon's sights, but it also enables you to quickly lock-on to a series of targets (aka enemies). As long as your crosshair is within the vicinity of a target, aiming down the sights will automatically center your crosshair on that target! This is not just helpful for targeting a single enemy, but also for targeting a series of enemies, one after the other.

Use Your Objective Indicator to Locate the Pit

With your firearm training complete, follow the on-screen objective indicator to the Pit (located down a corridor on the right side of camp, just past the basketball court).

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Intel (1/1) After stepping into the field just past the basketball hoop, look for the first Intel (a laptop) resting on a shelf by the guard tower in the far left corner.

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Shoot as Many Valid Targets as You Can in the Fastest Possible Time

Upon entering the pit, grab a pistol from the table and practice switching weapons--remember, if your ammo clip runs out, it's always faster to switch to your secondary firearm than it is to reload. Now that you're equipped, you'll have to run the course--keep in mind that your performance merely dictates which difficultly the game recommends for you, though you're still free to choose among them, so don't sweat it too much.

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Start off using your rifle, only switching to your pistol once you've depleted its clip (you'll have a chance to reload as you climb the first staircase.) Look down your sights to quickly focus in on the enemy targets, but make sure to avoid the civilian ones! Melee the target at the top of the stairs, then drop back into the field and push forward to the end corridor that you should dash down (by pressing the control-thumb stick in).

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After completing the pit, climb up the final staircase to the waiting jeeps to complete the tutorial.

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Act I: Team Player

Protect the Bridge Layer

Training's over soldier, now this is war. Immediately seek cover behind the truck (or inside the building) on the left and just hang tight for a while. Don't bother shooting the targets across the river yet, and instead conserve your ammo. Switch to your grenade launcher when the on-screen message indicates so just to appease it (by tapping left on the control-pad), though we recommend switching back to your rifle afterward. Before long, a truck will drop off some enemies on the far end of the bridge--pick them off from behind the truck by using your rifle's sights.

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Get in Your Humvee

After killing the enemies that departed from the truck, hightail it to the Humvees via the staircase on the left. Climb inside the closest vehicle that pulls up, with the flashing yellow seat.

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Stand by for Airstrike

We know you'll be tempted to try out the mounted gatling gun, but resist firing until after the next objective appears, when you stop at the large building with enemies on the rooftop.

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Destroy Targets of Opportunity

Upon reaching the large enemy-infested building, feel free to open fire. But don't worry about being too accurate as--at least on the lower difficulties--you cannot die during this segment (unless you blow up a nearby vehicle, so try not to do that). After pulling out, you'll wind up on a short roller coaster ride through the city before being flipped over by an RPG. Immediately seek cover inside the building on the right.

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Inside the building? Good--approach the staircase ahead and shoot the enemy coming down stairs. Now climb up it slowly, so that your head is just barely peeking over the floor, allowing you to target the enemies ahead from relative safety. Once you've taken down one or two, consider climbing up and targeting the remaining enemies through the door from the right side of the room.

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Push forward to the back room, ready for any additional enemies, including any injured ones who may be crawling along the ground. Take cover below the window until your squad darts outside--follow them across the street and into the school.

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Terminate the Enemy Presence in the School

As soon as you enter the school, crouch behind the sandbags and target the enemies ahead. Clear out the classroom on the right (which may contain two enemies) before climbing the staircase in the back. After entering the hallway at the top, take cover behind the boxes on the right and peek around them to take down a pair of enemies by the windows ahead.

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With the hall clear, take cover by the next corner (just past the classroom) to clear out the enemies around it. As you approach the room at the end of that second hall, get ready to take cover on either side in order to target enemies that storm in ahead. Push forward to that room and use the central column as a shield while you target enemies down a third corridor.

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Intel (1/2) Look for this intel on the second floor of the school, in the classroom just before you exit outside.
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With the area clear, exit out the left side of the hall and follow your squad down the street to an alley on the right. Hang back and take aim at the enemies that dart in ahead.

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Intel (2/2) Immediately after exiting the school, you'll find this intel on a crate adjacent to a taxi.
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Report to General Shepard at the Rally Point

With the first wave down, push forward to the green car and target an enemy inside the room on the left. Continue further up to a gate on the left and shoot any enemies visible through it (you can crouch down below the wall for cover too).

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Now get ready to shoot one more enemy that makes himself visible in the corridor ahead, then follow your squad up the alley to the helicopter, where you'll complete the mission.

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Act I: Cliffhanger

Follow Captain MacTavish

Carefully sidle along the ice wall, after your teammate, and follow his lead up the cliff wall. Thankfully, you're equipped with a pair of Ice Axes which are necessary for scaling these babies. To use them, alternate pressing the left and right triggers as you scale the cliff--make sure to keep holding the trigger of the respective Pick Axe until you've firmly planted the second one, otherwise you'll fall. If you're having trouble, you can also simply pump both triggers at each interval, holding them between, to scale the mountain.

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After climbing the first section, your teammate will take a flying leap toward a nearby ledge. Follow his lead and take a running leap--although you'll almost fall to your death, MacTavish will save you just in time, allowing you to scale the rest of the wall.

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After pulling yourself up, follow the Captain up a couple of ledges. He'll soon instruct you to whip out your heartbeat monitor, by tapping left on the control-pad. This baby functions like a radar, displaying the location of nearby enemies, as represented by white dots (your partner shows up as a blue dot). Now keep in mind that the heartbeat monitor only updates every few seconds, so it's often best to move slowly to ensure you don't draw unnecessary before the monitor alerts you to the presence of nearby enemies.

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Up ahead are a pair of enemies--focus your sight on the left one and shoot as soon as your partner says "three." Do the same for another pair ahead. Shortly thereafter, your teammate will take off and watch over you from a nearby cliff--although you'll be trekking ahead alone, he'll provide sniper support from time to time.

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Intel (1/3) The guard tower by the entrance into the base is home to the first intel. Climb up via the ladder and look for it on the walkway.
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Find a Way into the Base

Snowy Camouflage The heavy storm actually provides great camouflage, blanketing you from enemy eyes unless you're really close. Of course, this works to the enemy's advantage too, which is why using the heartbeat monitor becomes all the more important now that you're by yourself. We recommend keeping it out and visible at all times for the remainder of the level.

Push forward through the storm, toward the on-screen marker. As you approach the base, duck behind the first vehicle on the left, and wait a few moments for a couple of enemies to get into position. Thankfully, as long as you merely peek at them--one around the right of the vehicle, the other through a fence on the left--your teammate will take them out for you!

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With the first two enemies down, dart into the building ahead, as marked. Inside, sneak up behind the sleeping guard in the chair and melee him to death.

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Plant Explosives on the Fueling Station

With the room cleared, look through the nearby window to spot another building just across from it--dart to it before a patrolling truck spots you! Be quiet as you enter to stealth melee two more guards inside--one in a chair on the right, the other resting inside a door frame on the left.

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Now that you've cleared this second building, it's time to work your way across the base to the fueling station. The trick is to move slowly, and keep an eye on your heartbeat monitor to avoid arousing suspicion--if you can avoid being spotted, you won't have to fire a single shot! The easiest way to do this is to exit the current building out the back side (opposite of where you came in) and head toward the marker, while hugging the right cliff wall until you reach the street.

Here are some quick tips for getting through this section:

  • Move slowly and keep watching your heartbeat monitor to make sure you avoid running into any enemies.
  • Don't sweat the enemy on the high right ridge early--just glance his way to have your partner take him out.
  • Take cover behind a building whenever your partner alerts you to the inbound truck, and be especially cautious when crossing the street to the runway.
  • As you cross street just before the runway, you may encounter a trio of enemies walking along slowly. Just hang back and wait a few moments for them to walk away before continuing.
  • When you reach the runaway, you can make a straight shot for the fueling station without having to worry about drawing attention (contrary to what your partner suggests).

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Once you reach the fueling station, plant the bomb where the marker indicates by holding "X" (360) or "Square" (PS3).

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Get to the Satellite

With the bomb set, the marker will now point to a hanger containing the satellite. There are many ways to get there, but only one we recommend. Follow the fence--the same one connected to the wall where you planted the bomb--west toward the rear of the runaway. There, your partner will tip you off to a tank nearby--as long as you cross a ways in front of it, he won't notice you (if you're unsure of the distance, he should be barely visible, as shown below).

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After crossing in front of the tank, head straight for the marker--when you reach the building, follow it around to the gap leading to its backside, where you'll meet with your partner.

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Intel (2/3) When you regroup with MacTavish just outside the warehouse containing the ACS Module, turn around and dart up the path to a second warehouse--peek into one of the windows on the right to spot the enemy intel. You can grab it by smashing the window first, allowing you to reach it.
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Retrieve the ACS Module

After regrouping with your partner, follow him inside and let him take down the guard within. While he works on the satellite, head up stairs and look for the ACS Module on a table by the far window.

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After retrieving it, return to the main hangar to find your ally has been taken hostage. Wait at the top of the stairs and don't do anything--that is until MacTavish announces it's time for "Plan B." That's your cue to detonate the bomb you just planted by tapping the right-trigger. This will distract the enemy troops, enabling you to take them all down while they're confused.

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Escape with Captain MacTavish

With the hangar cleared, make a right outside the hangar and follow MacTavish across the base to a gap in the fence. You should be able to dart to it without dying, but if you're having trouble, take it slowly, pushing forward only when MacTavish instructs you to, and take down the enemies along the way.

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Through the fence, slide down the snowy hill just after and immediately turn around to take down the enemies gunning for you from atop it. Once they're down, some snow mobiles will come for you--picking them off is pretty easy, and you can use the enemy-free ones for cover to target the remainders.

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Get to the Extraction Point

With the area cleared, hop aboard the marked snowmobile and zoom zoom to the marker, a few miles away! While driving, you can even shoot the enemy snow-mobilers, though this isn't necessary on the lower difficulties. As long as you can avoid driving into trees, off of cliffs, and avoid the incoming helicopter fire (simply by veering to the side around its path of fire) this shouldn't pose any trouble.

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Intel (3/3) The final piece of Intel is located during the snow mobile escape sequence and can be a bit of a pain to find. After about 25 seconds of driving, you should spot a broken cabin/shack on a right ridge. The laptop is located among the trees just a few meters from the shack's entrance.
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Act I: No Russian

Offensive Content? Upon reaching this mission, the game will caution that it may cause offense to some players, and will offer the choice of skipping the mission. Choosing to skip the mission does not, in any way, impact the remainder of the game. There is no intel to be found, nor are there any achievements/trophies to obtain, so feel free to skip it if you're unsure of the level's content.

Follow Makarov's Lead

Keep behind Makarov and his comrades as you trail them through the airport, as they'll have no reservations about shooting you if you get in the way. That aside, note that you do not need to shoot anyone at all until you encounter the police outside, but you won't be penalized for doing so either--it's up to you.

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As you step out onto the tarmac, you'll spot a line of police officers emerging from the smoke equipped with riot shields. Quickly seek cover down the ramp ahead. Now switch to your grenade launcher and use it--while peeking over the wall--to clear out the initial wave.

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With the first wave down, grab one of their dropped shields (but swap weapons first, so that you don't accidentally ditch the grenade launcher) before the smoke screen dissipates and use it to push forward to the next point of cover. We suggest taking residence by the green electrical boxes on the right--it may seem far, but you can easily launch grenades from here to clear the enemies ahead. After clearing the next wave, you may have to step forward a bit to trigger the next group of enemies--after doing so, we suggest returning to this point of cover and targeting the enemies appear both ahead, as well as in the walkway above. When the SWAT truck rolls in, toss a grenade its way to destroy it, quickly taking down the departing SWAT members.

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As you pass through a corridor, another SWAT truck will roll in ahead. Duck behind a recessed portion of wall on the right and fire at them from around it. Once clear, follow your team down a ramp ahead, leading to the get-away vehicle.

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Act I: Takedown

Capture Roja's Right-Hand Man Alive

Enjoy the car ride--it won't last long. When the car parks, get ready to crouch by the seat (by tapping the "crouch" button) as soon as the gunmen open fire, otherwise you'll find your brain smeared all over the seat. After getting out of the car, follow your squadmate around the corner, after the perpetrator!

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Follow him right around a second corner, then into an alley on the left--after the second turn, you'll spot him just ahead! Quickly take aim and shoot his lower-body to injure, but not kill him.

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Fight to the Top of the Favela and Capture Rojas

With the right-hand man captured, follow your squad up the stairs to a broken fence overlooking some civilians below.

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Now here's the thing: in just a few moments, a ton of armed baddies are about to storm the area, but if you get moving fast, you can actually run through most of this first section before they get into position! As soon as you drop through the fence into the field, hightail it into a passage on the right, in the southwest corner. Once there, keep following the right wall, running the entire way--it will eventually lead to a staircase with a fenced-in field on the right. Just before it though, you'll likely run into a group of three enemies, also running to get into position--take them down before continuing.

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Intel (1/4) The first piece of intel can be found during the first village section, inside a house with barbed-wire windows. Here's how to find it: Work your way through town, up to the staircase leading to the fence where the dog attempts to attack. From that fence, turn around and follow the right wall. Continue through the first open building on the right--upon exiting, enter the first entrancway on the left ahead, just past the motorcycle. You'll find your Intel inside.
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After climbing the stairs, a dog will try and get at you from the other side of the fence on the right--shoot him head before he comes at you from another direction.Now take cover behind the dumpster on the left, just ahead, and take aim at the baddies on the rooftops ahead.

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Once clear, get ready to shoot a dog from the left as you move ahead, then go left around the house and up a staircase. As soon as you step on the stairs, aim for an enemy in a window ahead, then take cover by the left corner to target the enemies just around it.

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When clear, dart into the house ahead, on the left and aim out the window directly opposite the entrance to kill the enemies farther up (including an annoying sniper on a balcony). If you need cover, either go prone or duck left, outside of the window's view.

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After clearing the area ahead from the house, venture back in the alley and hug the left wall as you push forward slowly to target a few more baddies ahead, such as on the staircase. Once they're down, look up at the wooden footbridge overhead, and try to take down the trio of enemies that cross over as soon as you step far enough forward.

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Push forward, ready to target an enemy who'll surprise you through the green window just ahead (right of the stairs). After killing him, follow the house around the corner to a ladder. Don't climb it--instead use that corner for cover as you target the enemies around it, which in turn will cause a few more to appear on the rooftop to your left--back up to deal with them. Also be wary of any opponents on the roof, to which the ladder leads--take them down when they peek over to target you.

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Intel (2/4) When you encounter this house with the ladder (just before a hill), climb it to a room containing the intel.
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Intel (3/4) After climbing the hill by the house with the ladder, enter the brick building on the left to find the intel on a small table in the back room.
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After clearing the area past the ladder, climb that hill to a low wall on the right you can duck behind. From here, take aim at the red barrel ahead to clear out most of the enemies, then pick off the stragglers. Now continue up the street a ways to the next wall, on the right--take cover there too to cap a few more enemies still inside the nearby buildings.

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When done, push forward up the street, and around the corner to a staircase leading inside a building. We recommend ducking inside the building for cover, and peer through that same entranceway at the rooftop enemies surrounding you. Edge your way around the back side, to a ladder you can climb up the wall.

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As soon as you climb the ladder, take down any nearby foes, then dart up to the wall on the right. Although another enemy will pop out of the window there when you get close, just step to the side to avoid its fire, allowing you to take him down as soon as he stops firing. Once he's down, peer around that same corner and target the enemies up ahead.

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When clear, continue along to a hill on the right, leading to a staircase. Pause at the top of the stairs to target the visible enemies ahead, both on the ground and rooftops. It's then best to hurry up and duck into the building on the left, killing the guard there, then target any remaining enemies through the doorway.

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Intel (4/4) You'll come across a burning car near the end of the level. Enter the building on the right and head down the stairs within to find the final piece of intel.
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Once you've cleaned up, venture down an alley on the left, just ahead, and watch (but don't shoot!) as Favela falls right into your squad's hands--how nice of him!

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Act II: Wolverines!

Follow Sgt Foley

After exiting the vehicle, follow your squad down the alley on the right. Trail them through town until you reach a house, just before a BTR. Wait for it to roll past, then follow Sgt. Foley to a car on the street for cover.

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While behind the car, lob a smoke grenade at the BTR. In just a few moments, it'll unleash a smoke screen, allowing you to safely run past the BTR--stick to the right side of the street to duck into an alley just beyond. Immediately take cover behind the dumpster there and target the enemies beyond.

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Push forward through the alley, taking cover by another dumpster ahead, then the jutting wall just before the gas station's parking lot--this provides fantastic protection as you target the inbound enemies. After thinning the herd, push forward to the gas station's office on the left, just before the window. Peek inside to take down a few enemies there.

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Intel (1/4) Check inside the gas station to find the intel resting on the counter.
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With the gas station cleared, follow Foley across the street to a car, just in front of Nate's restaurant.

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Intel (2/4) Head inside the CRB Financial building (just across from Nates) and look for this intel on a desk, next to the "Foreign Exchange" window.
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Intel (3/4) Look inside the dumpster just outside the Burger Town restaurant for this intel.
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Intel (4/4) Enter the Taco restaurant through the door directly opposite Nate's and look for this intel on a counter.
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Get to the Roof of Nate's Restaurant

You heard the Sergent! The entrance into Nate's is just behind you--head inside and make a left to enter the kitchen, where you'll find the ladder leading to the roof.

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Eliminate the Enemy Assault

On the roof? Good--as you're going to have hold off some inbound troops from here. You may have noticed an automated turret by the roof's ledge--you can move this baby around by grabbing it like any other weapon, but leave it its current location for now. On either side of the turret are some trip-mines and a thermal rifle--if you want, you can set up the mines around the various rooftop entrance (such as by the ladder, or gaps in the wall), but we actually recommend ignoring them and instead using only the turret and the rifle, as you don't have much time.

After grabbing the thermal rifle, use its scope to pick off the enemies attacking from the north--the more enemies you take down, the fewer you'll have to deal with climbing onto your rooftop. Of course, your peripheral vision is limited when using the scope, so be sure to zoom out between targets to quickly acquire another. If you run low on ammo at any point, an ammo box behind you provides an unlimited supply.

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Rooftop Intruders! If any enemies breach the roof, grab the turret and spin it around so it faces the enemies as they clamber onto the roof--it'll mow them down in a jiffy!
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Before long, Sargent Foley will alert you to more troops inbound from the south, which is the direct opposite ledge. Grab the turret and plant it down on the opposite ledge, then use your thermal scope again to pick off the inbound troops--you'll need the thermal scope to see through the smoke screen they set up. Remember, if any enemies get onto the roof, reposition the turret so it faces them, then take cover behind any of the rooftop's structures if you need to. Once you've cleared out the attacking forces, drop back inside the restaurant when the sergeant instructs you to.

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Obtain the Predator Drone Control Rig

After dropping into the restaurant, you'll be tasked with grabbing the predator drone control rig from the diner across the street--which is teeming with enemies. The best way to go about this is to exit through the door you entered from, and head around the backside of the burning helicopter wreckage--now run parallel to it, across the street and make your way to the marked diner.

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As you approach the diner, crouch before one of the windows for cover, enabling you to target the enemies inside. When clear, enter the diner and grab the control rig from the counter.

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Destroy the BTR80s

After grabbing the rig, crouch behind the counter and equip it by tapping down on the control-pad. Your view will now switch to that of a missile on the predator drone--use it to launch a couple of missiles, steering them into the marked BTR80 vehicles on the ground.

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Regroup at Nate's Restaurant

With both BTR80s destroyed, Foley will instruct you to head for Nate's restaurant--don't. It'll be destroyed before you can arrive, so head for the Burger Town instead, to the southeast, just right of Nate's.

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Secure Burger Town

Approach Burger Town and take cover below the windows, peeking up every now and then to target the enemies within.

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Protect the VIP / Neutralize the Enemy Forces

With Burger Town cleared, wait here for Sergent Foley to carry over the VIP. Once he's safely holed up in the meat locker, take cover somewhere in the restaurant, such as behind the counter, and use the Predator Drone once again to wipe out the attacking enemy forces outside. Continue firing missiles at large groups of enemies until the drone is destroyed.

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Once the drone's destroyed, you'll have to hold off the enemies attacking from the direction as marked on your HUD. Remain in the restaurant and use your thermal rifle to pick them off either through the windows, or from the backside. Keep in mind that the enemies will attack in waves from different directions, so adjust your aim toward the market 'target' location.

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Neutralize the Enemy Helicopter

Before long, you'll be alerted to an inbound chopper; thankfully there's a rocket launcher in the diner to the west ideal for taking it down. The best way to get there is to exit the Burger Town to the south, crossing the street far away from the action, then head for the diner.

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Grab the launcher inside, then aim it at the chopper and fire a missile as soon as you have a lock-on to destroy it.

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With the first chopper destroyed, another will soon roll in. Luckily, there's another launcher on top of Nate's. We recommend running north up the street first, before crossing over to Nate's to avoid enemy encounters. Quickly climb to Nate's roof via the ladder in the kitchen, grab the stinger, and use it to take down the second chopper.

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Regroup at the Convoy

With the second helicopter down, your escape convoy will roll in ahead--if you try and dash straight for it, you'll get creamed. Instead, exit Nate's out to the west and run alongside the Taco building, before making a straight shop for your escape ride. This route will ensure you don't take any heavy fire.

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Act II: The Hornet's Nest

Support Captain MacTavish as the Squad Heads for the LZ

Dart up the hill, after your squad. Head right around the brick building at the top, but stay on the lower level. Use the corner for cover as you target the enemies around it--you'll find a couple of explosive barrels (one by the shack on the right, another on the rooftop ahead) that can be detonated for a few quick kills.

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After thinning the enemy presence, dash through the shack on the right, into a small house just ahead--just be sure to shoot the gunmen inside through the door before entering. Hole up in here for a few moments and shoot the enemies through the window and back door, including the pair of gunners on the back of a couple of trucks.

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Intel (1/4) After entering the alley just past the first area (where the two trucks with gunners were), enter the first doorway on the right (near this truck)--you'll find the laptop on a table inside.
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When you hear MacTavish instruct you to push forward, follow him up a street just across from your present location. Make a left ahead and target the light resistance, taking cover if necessary.

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When you reach the field ahead, you should be able to simply dart alongside the chain link fence on the left to a staircase behind the building.

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Intel (2/4) Look for the second intel in a small shack just past the basketball hoop in the field full of garbage.
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After climbing the stairs, take cover by the wooden fence on the right to clear out the enemies ahead, including those within the building. Continue around the corner and take cover by a low, concrete wall on the left and work on clearing the street. Push your way up it, taking cover when necessary, and continue up the hill in the back.

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Intel (3/4) Shortly past the junk-filled field, you'll encounter a long street heading up hill. About halfway up, you'll spot a blue car on the right, with two doorways nearby. Take the one on the left and head upstairs to find the intel.
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At the top of the hill, use the building on the left for cover as you peer around it to target the enemies beyond. Push forward, using the vehicles for cover, up to an alley on the left--clear out the enemies there, then use the wall closest to the street you just emerged from for cover to clear out the remaining enemies, including a gunner on a truck in the bar.

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Head for the LZ to the Southeast of the Market

Just around the next corner is the market--hang back and slowly peek around it to target the first few enemies. Now slowly work your way through the market toward your destination, sticking to the right wall--the myriad tables and objects along the way provide great cover. When you reach the burning turn, enter the building on the left and continue through it to find the chopper.

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Escape to the Secondary LZ Via the Rooftops

Unfortunately, there's too much action for the chopper to land, so you'll have to relocate it elsewhere. For now, clear out the few enemies outside, then follow your squad up a wall on the other side of the courtyard, then across the rooftops. As you attempt the final jump just before the chopper, you'll fall to the ground below.

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Intel (4/4) When you reach the soccer field that serves as the initial landing zone, look for a piece of intel in the window behind the far soccer goal.
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Find a Way Back to the Rooftops

You gotta get out of there, and fast! Dash into the building dead-ahead and follow the route up to the rooftops. Once there, head toward the marker--upon reaching it, make a sharp left and drop to the rooftops below, then make a right. Just a bit further until the chopper! Once it comes into view, make a running jump for it!

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Act II: Exodus

Locate and Neutralize the Anti-Aircraft Guns

For most of this mission, you'll be assisted by a tank that can provide cover fire. However, you'll have to designate where it shoots by selecting targets with your laser (activate it by tapping right on the control-pad, then confirm a target by pulling the right-trigger.) You can target practically anything, such as homes or groups of enemies, then watch with glee as the tank mows down the combatants.

For the most part, you should hang back behind the tank and let it take out the targets you select. This will keep you out of harm's way, though if you do draw fire, simply reposition yourself and use the tank as a shield. On occasion, you may have to push forward, ahead of the tank, toward the sergeant (who's marked with the "follow" icon), triggering the next segment. Once you have, you can then pull back again and resume the same strategy.

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Intel (1/3) When you reach the Garden Villas apartments on the left side of the street, look for a small office just past the main sigh--inside you'll find the intel on a desk.
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Before long, you'll encounter a fortified checkpoint, just before an overpass. Again, hang back and target the various buildings and groups of enemies with the targeting laser and let the tank clear most of them out, leaving you with clear-up duty.

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Intel (2/3) At the checkpoint, check inside this small office on the right for another piece of intel.
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A short distance past the checkpoint, you'll begin crossing over a bridge. Makle sure to select targets for the tank to target as you cross!

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Intel (3/3) After crossing the bridge, check the second level of the second house on the right to find this intel.
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Further up the street is a large mansion you'll have to enter in order to exit out a side door on the left side. Focus the tank's fire on it first, then enter through the garage and clear it out. Now enter the house proper via the left door and continue to follow the left wall to the exit (in the room with the billiard tables).

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Back outside, you'll spot two vehicles: one ahead, another to the left. Target each with your laser to star a bombing raid, taking them out.

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Go to 4677 Brookmere Road.

After the bombing raid, follow the dirt trail on the left back to the main street, and cross the bridge to the burning building.

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Retrieve Intel from the 'Panic Room' at 4677 Brookmere Road

Don't worry, there's no more enemies to deal with. Enter the burning building and head upstairs. Grab the briefcase by the corpse in the panic room to complete the mission.

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Act II: The Only Easy Day…Was Yesterday

Take Out the Guard Quietly

After surfacing, swim up to the guard ahead and grab him by using a melee attack.

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Secure the Hostages

After pulling yourself onto the platform, follow the squad up the stairs. There you'll notice a guard looking over the railing--take him out with your default weapon, which is suppressed.

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The first few hostages are being held in a room on the left, which you'll have to breach via either of the two doors. Approach either door and plant a charge on it. After it detonates, you'll automatically swivel through the door--at this point, the game plays in slow-motion for a few seconds, giving you a chance to take down the hostage takers before they can react. Depending on which door you came in from, begin aiming from that side of the room and work your way toward the opposite end, making sure not to kill any hostages. The enemies are easily visible as they're all dressed in white, and are standing.

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With the first room clear, follow your squad up a couple flights of stairs to an exterior walkway. They'll lead you to a second room that also needs to be breached.

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Intel (1/3) After climbing the stairs (post breaching the first room), look for this intel on the middle set of shelves in the room immediately before the exterior walkway.
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We recommend breaching the second room via the closest door, as it provides an easier vantage point in which to target the enemies inside--remember to avoid the hostages!

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Plant C4 on the Dead Bodies

With the second room cleared, plant a charge on one of the marked bodies--your partner will take care of the other.

Take Up Ambush Positions Near the Scaffolding

With the C4 planted, exit the room and follow MacTavish up the scaffolding back in the direction you just came from. Wait here for the inbound enemy units to discover the corpses, then blow them away when MacTavish says "do it." Now quickly use your gun to take down the remaining enemies from your present location.

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Secure the Derrick Building on the Top Deck

Drop off the scaffolding and push forward along the walkway, using the stacked materials on the left for cover, then moving up to the corner ahead to target the enemies on the staircase, before climbing up to the third level.

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Intel (2/3) With the second room cleared, look inside another room just ahead, at the base of the staircase leading to the third level to find the intel on a shelf.
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After climbing the stairs, take cover behind the pile of wooden planks and target the enemies beyond. As you push forward, an attack chopper will drop in--duck into a room on the right for both protection, as well as a rocket launcher that can be used to take it down. However, before grabbing it, target any remaining enemies through the room's far exit. Now grab the launcher, and fire a rocket as soon as you obtain a lock-on.

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With the helicopter down, continue along the walkway around the corner. Use the barrels on the left for cover, then push forward to the next corner and use it for cover as well to clear out the remaining enemies, before climbing the far staircase to the top level.

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Intel (3/3) On the third level, look inside a room next to the last staircase on the walkway (which leads to the top deck)--you'll find the intel below an interior staircase.
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So here's the deal: the top-deck will soon be saturated with smoke, making it impossible to see without the assistance of a thermal scope. Even worse, your enemies are equipped with thermal vision, making you easy pickings. If you don't already have a thermal rifle, you'll find them scattered all over, so be sure to grab one. At any rate, because of your visibilly, finding a good place cover-point is crucial. We found the best place for cover is a large storage crate on the right side. To get there, turn right as soon at the top of the stairs and follow the railing to a chain link fence, then follow that up to the shipping container.

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Once at the shipping container, go prone and use whip out your thermal rifle (if you don't already have one, there's one resting against this very crate). Now face out, parallel to the container and take down anyone that crosses your field of vision. As long as you can kill them quickly, you shouldn't take any fire. Once you've thinned the crowd, it's time to pick off the remaining baddies holed up in the windows above. You can pick off the first few by sniping from around the corner of the shipping crate. For the rest, simply back away from it to make them visible.

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With the area cleared, breach the room ahead and quickly take down the hostage takers--make sure to target some dude trying to knife you on the right, and be careful not to hit any of the explosive barrels. After saving the hostages, follow the squad out to the waiting helicopter.

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Act II: The Gulag

Rescue Prisoner #627

The chopper will drop you off inside the prison soon, but before then it'll stop occasionally giving you a chance to snipe the enemies on the various towers. Take aim if you wish, but you can