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CoD: Warzone And MW3 Season 4 Brings Popular Character Back From The Dead

No one stays dead for long in Call of Duty, apparently.


The Season 4 update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone arrives on May 29, and the new promo art released by Activision shows the return of a recently killed-off character.

Season 4's character art includes the return of John "Soap" MacTavish. Those who played the Modern Warfare 3 campaign will likely be confused, as the character was killed by Makarov in the final moments of the story.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III & Warzone - Official Season 4 Launch Trailer

The Season 4 artwork also includes the tagline: "A harrowing discovery can change everything," and there's a DNA emoji that follows it. This could mean that Soap did in fact die in the campaign, but there could be a really creepy cloning storyline for this postseason content.

There's also the possibility of this artwork being related to Zombies, as Soap is alive in Modern Warfare 3's Zombies storyline. Soap is currently working alongside Kate Laswell and other members of a CIA strike team for Operation Deadbolt, which aims to stop the zombie outbreak in Urzikstan. The newly released Season 4 teaser trailer shown above does reveal that the story is about stopping the contamination of a new global threat, but it's uncertain if the weaponized device is using something related to Zombies or just a deadly gas.

The operators featured on Call of Duty's promotional art are usually the characters featured in the seasonal battle pass, so players can likely expect to unlock this new version of Soap when Season 4 arrives.

For more on what to expect, here are all the big rumors and announcements for Season 4 of MW3 and Warzone, including a Gundam crossover and the return of the Kar98k rifle.

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