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Comic-Con 2018: Family Guy Season 17 Episode Will Mock Trump

Peter goes to Washington to work for Trump, but it doesn't work out so well.


Many more details about Family Guy Season 17 were announced at Comic-Con recently, including that it will feature a two-part episode about Donald Trump. In the Trump-mocking episode, Trump learns that Peter is great at selling fake news, so he hires him to be his new communications director. The entire Griffin family moves to Washington as part of this.

Things take a turn when Meg has an "unpleasant encounter" with Trump, according to EW. Peter gets ticked off, and he and Trump have an "epic battle." According to IGN, this will be one of Family Guy's trademark chicken fights, but with Trump stepping in for the chicken, apparently. "I won’t say who wins, you'll have to tune in. It's a giant chicken fight between the president and Peter all through Washington," producer Rich Appel said.

The producers told EW that the Trump episode was written about a year ago. A lot has happened with the Trump presidency since then, but the episode will still feel timely, the producers say. "Although this episode was written almost a year ago, fortunately Trump has done nothing since then to embarrass himself or our nation," the producers said, presumably joking.

In other Season 17 news, there will be another two-parter where Brian gets married. "It's such a fun story with so many twists and turns that it ended up not being able to be told in one episode," producer Steve Callaghan told IGN. Whether or not Brian stays married remains to be seen. Family Guy as a show often creates wild scenarios and completely reverses them by the time the episode has ended.

Another Season 17 episode will see Brian go to work at the brewery with new bosses played by Bryan Cranston and Niecy Nash. Other celebrities performing roles in Season 17 include Patrick Stewart, Sam Elliot, Mandy Moore, Sarah Paulson, Kyrie Irving, Johnny Weir, and Tara Lapinski.

You can see some select scenes from Family Guy Season 17 in the embedded video above, though it doesn't appear to contain any references to the Trump episode.

While Family Guy hasn't skewered President Trump before, another Fox show, The Simpsons, regularly goes after the POTUS.

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