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Custom SpongeBob Xbox Series X Is Perfect And Essential

Who outputs 4K and has ray tracing mode? SpongeBob Xbox!


Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl released on October 5, and the Super Smash-style fighting game is, by most accounts, not great. However, its launch is still an unquestionable net positive for humanity, as it led to the creation of the greatest custom game console ever made: the SpongeBob Xbox.

Created alongside a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles custom console, the special Spongebob-themed Xbox Series X is available to win via a sweepstakes, and it doesn't appear you'll be able to actually buy it outside of this contest. That means you'll have to just use your imaginaaaaaation should you not win. The system, as you can see, looks like Robert Squarepants, complete with his signature tie and a power button near the top that looks like it could be a hole in his porous flesh.

For a chance to win, all you have to do is follow the Xbox Twitter account and retweet the post above. However, you'll also be entered for a chance to win the TMNT console, instead, which isn't nearly as cool. You also have to be 18 or older, so if a kid wants one of these, they'll need an adult to enter for them.

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is available now across Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It is receiving mixed reviews, likely because it didn't include Linda Elerbee or Mike O'Malley on its fighter roster.

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