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Dark Souls 3 Release Date Revealed for Japan

From Software announces release date, but we're still waiting to hear about the western date.

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Dark Souls III will launch on March 24, 2016 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, at least in Japan. The game's website shows the release date, which is more specific than the "early 2016" date that Bandai Namco and From Software said earlier. Again, this is for Japan only at this time.

Gematsu reports that the a western release date, and the PC edition release date, will be announced "in the coming days." The site also reports that the Dark Souls III retail edition will come with a "specially designed map" and soundtrack in Japan.

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In addition, From Software has announced a network test for the PS4 edition of Dark Souls III will be held October 16-18. Sign-ups are open now at this website and will be available through October 4.

According to Bandai Namco, "Dark Souls III brings certain story elements to a conclusion," but it's not necessarily the last game in the series. Bandai Namco recently trademarked "Slashy Souls," while From Software has talked about making more games, potentially in the sci-fi genre.

For more on Dark Souls III, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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