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Deathloop Will Make You Question The Motives Of Its Protagonist

Not all of your targets in Deathloop deserve to die, according the the game's director.


Dishonored and Prey developer Arkane is putting the final touches on its new IP, Deathloop, before it launches later this year, allowing the team to start delving into some of the aspects of its world design.

Although most of Arkane's games have given you the freedom to deal with enemies in different ways, Deathloop might have you questioning the motives of its protagonist entirely. Speaking to the Official PlayStation Magazine for its February 2021 issue, Deathloop's game director, Dinga Bakaba, explained that the central villains might not always be people deserving of death.

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"We didn't want to make a game where somehow the targets deserved to die," explained Bakaba. "There are somethings that you might not feel very comfortable with doing. But sadly, this is your condition, or you can stay here for eternity."

Deathloop contains eight enemies you will need to dispatch to break the cycle, and it's these enemies that Bakaba is referring to. Whether you'll have alternative means to dispatch them, such as the different ways you could deal with targets in Dishonored 2, has yet to be seen.

Deathloop launches for PlayStation 5 and PC on 21 May, with no Xbox Series X plans announced at this time. Microsoft is in the process of acquiring Bethesda, meaning it will own Arkane, so this might change soon.

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