Destiny 2 Adds Bad Juju Exotic Quest In Latest Update
The hunt for Bad Juju is on.
That's right, there's another new Exotic weapon to chase in Destiny 2. Bad Juju, another well-loved Destiny 1 weapon, was added with the game's latest update--among a host of other things. Don't expect it to be shoved right in your face; you'll need to know where to go, and it all starts with a chest on Nessus. We've put together a guide on how to start the Bad Juju quest to help you understand how the process works, and a full Bad Juju guide if you need help.
Bad Juju's existence in the game was revealed in the Moments of Triumph added to Destiny 2 with Update, which also added a fix to the Season of Opulence's Menagerie activity. It's listed in the "Exotic Arsenal" Triumph, alongside two other guns: Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Perfected. Both of those guns were accessible only through hidden activities that players discovered in the game after an update like this one. Data mine leaks previously suggested Bad Juju was coming, but we didn't know exactly when to expect it until it popped up in the Moments of Triumph.
Whisper and Outbreak are updated versions of Destiny 1 weapons, but Bad Juju is pretty close to how you remember it. The powerful pulse rifle has some powerful perks: It fires in fully automatic mode, and kills activate its String of Curses perk, which increases the gun's damage, reloads part of the magazine, and gives you Super energy. There's also an Exotic Catalyst for the gun you can unlock that makes it even more effective.
Getting Bad Juju involves a new location called the Tribute Hall that was added with update To get started, you'll need to head to Nessus and visit Werner 99-40 and open the new treasure chest standing beside him, and then head to the Leviathan.
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