Destiny 2 Dawning Recipe Guide: How To Make All Cookies To Get The Dawning Cheer Sparrow
Spread some Dawning cheer to earn the Dawning Cheer Exotic sparrow.
The Dawning, Destiny 2's holiday event, is all about giving gifts. Limited-time activities during December each year have you creating and giving presents to the game's various characters, and this year those gifts have a new twist--they require you to bake. [Update: The Dawning is back for 2020, and with it, we have a new guide to The Dawning 2020 Recipe Guide.]
Destiny 2 is a game about shooting, though, so your crafted confections are actually just items you make from the bones (and other parts) of your enemies with the use of a special in-game oven. As you go marauding through the solar system, you'll gain items you can combine in recipes, which the oven turns into deliverable treats. Eva, the character who runs your cooking quest, gives you one recipe, and the rest you'd normally have to find through trial and error--unless you have our guide.
Baking all the goods on Eva's list and giving them to the people around the Tower will net you an Exotic sparrow, as well as a number of Triumphs. The Dawning runs through the month of December, so there may well be more rewards in store as well, in a similar way to how the Murder Mystery quest of the Festival of the Lost turned out to reward players with Thunderlord. Here's everything you need to know to bake cookies in Destiny 2, as well as the recipes we've uncovered so far. We'll update this list as more information and more recipes become know.

Get Your Ingredients
The stuff you use to actually make the cookies comes from out in the world and completing various activities. For each batch of cookies, you'll need three things: a common ingredient, a rare ingredient, and 15 Essence of Dawning.
Killing enemies in the world yields common ingredients based on what kind of enemy you kill; there's something different for Fallen, Vex, Cabal, Taken, Scorn, and Hive. Rare ingredients drop based on the means of killing enemies. If you use explosives, you might get a Delicious Explosion ingredient; a sword kill could earn you a Sharp Taste. They're mostly pretty easy to figure out, but a few are a little confusing. Here's how to get each ingredient.
- Delicious Explosion: Explosive kills
- Sharp Flavor: Sword kills
- Impossible Heat: Solar kills
- Electric Taste: Arc kills
- Null Taste: Void kills
- Flash of Inspiration: Create Orbs of Light
- Personal Touch: Melee kills
- Perfect Taste: Precision kills
- Bullet Spray: SMG and Machine Gun kills
- Essence of Dawning: Complete activities in the solar system

These are the combinations we've found that yield specific cookies. Note that you need 15 Essence of Dawning for each recipe in order to make the oven work.
Important note: Make sure you bake some Burnt Edge Transit cookies, which you can get from any recipe combination not listed below. These cookies are technically failures, but there are Triumphs tied to making a few sets. Once you unlock all the recipes, the oven will no longer allow you to make guesses at combining ingredients--you'll only be able to select specific recipes. So make sure to burn some cookies before you lock out your ability to do so.
- Gjallardoodles (deliver to Zavala): Ether Cane, Delicious Explosion
- Infinite Forest Cakes (deliver to Failsafe): Vex Milk, Impossible Heat
- Gentleman's Shortbread (deliver to Devrim Kay): Ether Cane, Perfect Taste
- Vanilla Blades (deliver to Shaxx): Cabal Oil, Sharp Flavor
- Radiolarian Pudding (deliver to Asher): Vex Milk, Electric Flavor
- Eliksni Birdseed (deliver to Hawthorne): Ether Cane, Personal touch
- Chocolate Ship Cookies (deliver to Holliday): Cabal Oil, Null Taste
- Telemetry Tapioca (deliver to Banshee-44): Vex Milk, Bullet Spray
- Traveler Donut Holes (deliver to Ikora): Cabal Oil, Flash of Inspiration
- Javelin Mooncake (deliver to Ana Bray): Chitin Powder, Sharp Flavor
- Dark Chocolate Motes (deliver to the Drifter): Taken Butter, Null Flavor
- Alkane Dragee Cookies (deliver to Sloane): Chitin Powder, Bullet Spray
- Ill-Fortune Cookies (deliver to Petra Venj): Dark Ether Cane, Impossible Heat
- Candy Dead Ghosts (deliver to the Spider): Dark Ether Cane, Flash of Inspiration
- Strange Cookies (deliver to Xur): Taken Butter, Electric Flavor
Once you've baked one of every kind of cookie, you can upgrade your oven to a Masterwork, reducing the Essence of Dawning cost for making more cookies from 15 units to 10. That's good, because if you want to unlock everything in The Dawning, you're going to baking a lot.
If you want to save yourself a little time (and it's very little), bake the cookies but don't deliver them until you get 12 sets finished. You'll need to deliver gifts as part of the quest that unlocks when you earn the Dawning Cheer sparrow.
Don't Throw Away Your Failures!
If you create a recipe combination that doesn't work, you'll get Burned Edge Transit cookies. You'll lose whatever ingredients you put in, plus your Essence of Dawning that you needed to do the cooking. But just because your cookies are horrible doesn't mean these are a total loss. You can't get your lost ingredients back, but you can reclaim the Essence, which is something since every batch of cookies you make costs 15 Essence, and you need to complete activities to get more.
To get your Essence of Dawning back, head to the Tower and talk to the Cryptarch. He'll accept your burnt cookies as gifts and trade you back 15 Essence--the complete cost of cooking the bad batch. You can then immediately try a new recipe if you've got the ingredients, without having to go find a Public Event or some other activity to complete. As mentioned above, making some Burnt Edge Transit Cookies is the only way to unlock certain Dawning Triumphs.
Special Delivery
Once you've made 12 Dawning deliveries, you can return to Eva for a Powerful gear reward. At that point, she'll also make her storefront available, which includes a set of bounties and the ability to trade Dawning Essence for various cookie ingredients. While you'll probably only need that stuff if you get serious about trying to complete all the Dawning Triumphs, it's worth noting that Eva has a weekly bounty that drops Powerful gear. You can complete it by cooking any six batches of cookies, which should be pretty easy to accomplish while completing other tasks during the event.
You can also sometimes earn special weekly bounties that pop up when you make cookie deliveries. The ones we've seen usually require you to make a specific cookie for a specific person and then deliver them in order to complete the bounty. They're usually handy because they're easy to complete and reward you with 10 Essence of Dawning--which is good for one batch of cookies in your masterwork oven. Since you need to cook 120 to complete everything in The Dawning, keep an eye out for these weeklies. We found that stockpiling cookies made it easier to deliver a bunch at once, sometimes pulling a couple of weekly bounties at a time, making for a bit of a feedback loop of delicious treats.

Earning Your Sleigh
To unlock the Dawning Cheer sparrow, you need to make a few specific cookies, as well as 12 batches in total. To unlock it to start, make Vanilla Blades, Chocolate Ship Cookies, and Eliksni Birdseed using the recipes above. Once you've delivered them, you'll unlock the sparrow.
After you've got the sparrow, you can set about repairing it, which unlocks several additional perks on Dawning Cheer. To get them, you have to complete bounties offered by Amanda Holliday, which only unlock after you've got the sparrow.
The bounties require you to cook a bunch more cookies for various characters. The first bounty, Titan and Warlock, requires Donut Holes for Ikora and Alkane Dragee Cookies for Sloane, as well as baking 48 cookies in total. It unlocks the Happy Dawning perk on the sleigh, which shoots out glimmer presents from your sparrow while you're boosting.
The second bounty, Sniper and Scribe, requires Gentleman's Shortbread for Devrim, Radiolarian Pudding for Asher, and 72 total cookies baked. It unlocks the Dawning Dare perk on your sparrow, which spawns glimmer presents any time you land a trick.
The final bounty is Gunsmith and Navigator, which you can complete by delivering Telemetry Tapioca to Banshee-44 and Infinite Forest Cake to Failsafe, along with completing 120 total bakes. Complete that bounty to unlock the Transmat Preloader perk on Dawning Cheer, which makes summoning your sparrow instantaneous.
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