Destiny 2 Fall DLC Adds A Mode With A "New Style Of Play" For FPS Games
An "incredibly engaging new mode" is on the way to Destiny 2 after Warmind's release.
The release of the second DLC expansion for Destiny 2, Warmind, is right around the corner, but it's what comes after that which is suddenly much more intriguing. Publisher Activision has teased that this fall will see the addition of a major new mode, although it's keeping specifics under wraps until E3 2018.
During a post-earnings conference call with investors, Activision president Coddy Johnson responded to a question about how Bungie plans to continue improving the game. He said Bungie recently hosted a group of Destiny 2 players at the studio to show them both Warmind and some of what's coming this fall. Johnson claimed the response was "very positive" to both what Warmind and the update roadmap are doing, but also to something in the fall update.
Without giving away any details, he said the addition is "an incredibly engaging new mode--one that introduces a whole new style of play for first-person shooter gaming generally and certainly for the shared-world shooter space that Destiny created. It's a really exciting development. It's one of the things we think will really speak to the community when it comes out in the fall."
Despite this tease, Johnson added that we won't be hearing more about it until after Warmind's release, once E3 rolls around. E3 takes place in LA from June 12-14, and we'll have all the details on whatever Bungie and Activision have to say.
Bungie has made a concerted effort of late to better inform players about what's coming to Destiny 2 next. It's outlined a roadmap going through this summer, but so far, we haven't heard anything about the expected fall expansion, which will be the game's third. The original Destiny also faced numerous complaints until the release of its third DLC, The Taken King, that really turned around the perception of the game. We'll find out if E3 if something similar may be in store for Destiny 2.
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