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Destiny 2 Offers Spider Bounty Repeat, With A Twist -- Wanted: Gravetide Summoner (Week 5 Variant)

A new (but similar) Adventure for Powerful gear is available now.


Refreshed activities and Powerful rewards have arrived in Destiny 2 following the latest weekly reset. By now, Forsaken owners know that includes a variety of bounties from Spider, one of which is more expensive and more difficult than the rest, but with the promise of Powerful gear at the end. Curiously, the name of this target is the same as last week, but that doesn't mean you'll be doing precisely the same thing. Here's what to know about Wanted: Gravetide Summoner.

Heading to Spider reveals his new bounty is the same as the previous one, but if you're paying close attention, you'll notice there is a difference. While the target is the same, and you're still headed to Titan, the Adventure is now located near the Siren's Watch landing zone, rather than The Rig.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Forsaken's Weekly Powerful Gear Bounty For Gravetide Summoner

What this means is you're entering a different Lost Sector to find Gravetide Summoner, a wizard enemy. The overarching mechanics are the same--you'll deal with an ogre before getting to Gravetide Summoner, and you'll need to kill special thrall enemies to receive a buff that allows you to damage the ogre. Defeat all the enemies and you'll complete the bounty.

Don't expect anything significant from the chest at the end--that doesn't tend to reward you with anything special. But cashing in the bounty from Spider will net you a piece of Powerful gear, making this an activity well worth doing.

If you're a bit underleveled, we have a useful video guide above. We managed to beat this with a character with a Power level of only 520; you'll make things easier by utilizing a high-crit Super and having an arc weapon handy to deal with the second phase, when knights spawn in.

For more on what to tackle this week, check out our guide to the latest Ascendant Challenge.

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