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Destiny 2: Witch Queen Could Become Game's Most Preordered Expansion Ever

The upcoming expansion has surpassed 1 million preorders already.


It's a big month for Destiny 2, as the game's long-awaited The Witch Queen expansion arrives on February 22. Ahead of that, Bungie has announced that the expansion has already reached more than 1 million preorders.

At this level, The Witch Queen is on track to become Destiny 2's most preordered expansion ever. The studio did not say which expansion currently holds the record for most preorders. In any event, this suggests The Witch Queen will be yet another major moment in Destiny 2's history.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Savathûn's Throne World

In addition to confirming the preorder numbers, Bungie released a new Witch Queen trailer that shows off some of the impressive-looking new guns and armor coming to the game in the expansion.

Bungie has also been in the news because Sony has bought the studio for $3.6 billion. Bungie, which also created the Halo series, was at one point owned by Microsoft, so now it's been owned by both. Sony has said it bought Bungie to help build out its live-service category.

For more on Destiny 2 and everything else that's about to be released over the next couple of weeks, you can check out our feature on the biggest games launching in February 2022.

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