Destiny 2's Menagerie Glitch Is Officially Dead
So much for the Season of Opulence.
With the latest weekly reset and the release of new update, Destiny 2's Menagerie glitch--an exploit that allowed players to farm its final rewards chest over and over--is dead. Bungie acknowledged its existence in a weekly blog post on June 27 and warned players that it would be addressed on July 9, but that in the meantime they were free to farm it to their hearts' content. That has now come to an end, and the Menagerie's chest is now working as it was intended to all along.
The mode, one of the most recent pieces of significant content introduced to Destiny 2 as part of the first Annual Pass, puts a team of six through a series of encounters for the amusement of Calus, the big boss of the Leviathan Raid. At its end, players are able to open a chest to receive a piece of armor or a weapon that's dictated by the player. Of late, Bungie has moved toward allowing players to have a hand in deciding what types of rewards they receive in certain activities, and the Menagerie represents the latest step in that direction.
Players acquire various runes and then insert them into what's known as the Chalice of Opulence. Rather than being left completely to chance, each slot and rune dictates a different thing, allowing you to influence what type of weapon you get and the types of rolls it comes with.
Normally, a Menagerie run would permit you to open the final chest only once per run, consuming your chosen runes in the process. But through a bug, players could open the chest, make a short sprint, insert another set of runes into their Chalice, and then return to the chest to open it again before being booted out of the session. A run that would normally have only netted players a single reward could now spit out upwards of a half-dozen for those quick enough.
Because you maintain only a limited level of control over the rolls on weapons, being able to quickly earn multiple rewards makes it easier to obtain those with the sought-after god rolls. With the release of this patch, you'll have to grind things out as Bungie intended.
The full patch notes can be seen on Bungie's website. Some of the changes, including this one, could make some of the new Moments of Triumph more difficult to complete than they would have been previously. On the bright side, you can now get your hands on Bad Juju.
Menagerie-Specific Update Patch Notes
- Players will no longer be able to use their Chalice to gain multiple rewards within the same Menagerie run
- In the Gauntlet encounter of the Menagerie, only living players will be given credit for completing a lap
- Fixed an issue where Werner's weekly bounties no longer gave powerful rewards
- Fixed an issue where Rune Bonus II for the Chalice was not always refunding a rune
- Fixed an issue causing the chests on the Barge to reset on Sunday
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