Determined Gaming's ROBERTxLEE conducts AMA
Curious about what ROBERTxLee thinks about Doublelift or whether he believes Quinn may have a future? His AMA will tell all.
This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
Different people will tell you different things if you ask them why ROBERTxLEE's claim to fame might be. Some would argue that he's best known for his performance as Determined Gaming's AD Carry while others will cite his successful battle against amnesia. Regardless, those interested in picking ROBERTxLEE's brains about anything under the sun may be happy to know he's currently hosting a very frank AMA on Reddit.
When asked about their performance against Evil Geniuses, ROBERTxLEE flatly stated:
"EG was a lot stronger than expected, we came into the game ill prepared and momentum was a big factor. We came into the game thinking we are going to do well, but once we lost the first game, it threw us off. I personally felt like we weren't playing "our game" and played pretty stupid. Just because EG was the "last team" they weren't the worst team since they took velocity's old spot."
What would he or his team have wanted to do differently?
"better management. we didn't have a sponsor for so long and i had no clue why. we lacked resources such as having an analyst which made improving really difficult."
For those curious as to whether the team will remain together and participate in Coke League, the answer's ambigious at best. ROBERTxLEE explained there are plans to stick together, but visas might be prohibitive. On an unrelated note, he appeared quite dubious of Quinn's viability in the competitive scene, noting that she "is very bad in teamfights and "will fall off so hard if the game lasts longer than 30 minutes" -- an accomplishable task in the current meta.
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