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Detroit: Become Human Played Live On PSX 2017 Stage, Audience Participates

What it means to become human.


The next game from developer Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human, had gameplay to show off at PlayStation Experience 2017, but with a twist. Producer Guillaume de Fondaumière played part of the game on stage in which the audience participated in the decision making. The sequence played was from the original E3 2016 hostage situation, but new gameplay mechanics were on display at PSX.

The android Connor was tasked with leading a raid to handle a hostage situation where another android was holding a human child captive. The audience roared as the fish on the floor was saved after entering the room, but de Fondaumière stated, "Remember that every action has a consequence."

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Now Playing: Detroit: Become Human Played with Live Audience at PSX 2017

Once he was in the suite, the mind palace mechanic (by pulling R2) was used, which allows Connor to scan the surroundings for objectives, points of interest, and evidence. Yellow flags appear in the environment to signify this. As Connor pieced evidence together, he used the analyze evidence ability to see what had happened in the recent past and play the events back. A probability-of-success rating increased in the UI as more evidence was acquired.

During hostage negotiation, Connor had to make on-the-fly decisions to talk down the android holding the hostage as button prompts came on screen, in usual Quantic Dream fashion. Ultimately, the decision was made to shoot the hostage-holder and Connor was successful in saving the child. However, we weren't shown the consequences of these decisions, which should play a large role in how Detroit's story unfolds.

Everything that happened during the playthrough of Detroit: Become Human can be seen in the video above.

The previous gameplay trailer revealed at Paris Games Week earlier this year showed off a sequence in which the android maid Kara is shown making difficult decisions. It received criticism for its portrayal of child abuse in one of the possible paths in the game. Not much context was provided around this sequence of events following the reveal, though we took a deeper look at the issues surrounding Detroit.

Quantic Dream is best known for its interactive drama games such as Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), Heavy Rain, and Beyond: Two Souls. Detroit: Become Human will be the studio's next game when it launches in spring 2018 for PlayStation 4.

For more from the PSX keynote, check out all the big news and trailers in the links below. The show continues through the weekend, so keep checking back for more.

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