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Diablo 4's Final Class Is Necromancer; 2023 Release And New Details Revealed

Blizzard showcased the open world, endgame, PvP, and more aspects of the action-RPG.


Blizzard's much-anticipated Diablo 4 showed up in a major way during the Xbox/Bethesda showcase, giving us our first look at the fifth and final class, the Necromancer. The presentation included much more than that, however, also giving us a sneak peek of the endgame content, the open-world structure, and the extensive character customization options.

Necromancer returns from the earlier games in the series, having been revealed in an ominous CG trailer that shows the class will still center around the ability to raise undead minions to help you fight. Necromancer joins Barbarian, Rogue, Sorceress, and Druid in Diablo 4 as the game's five classes. Following the initial trailer and a bit of an introduction from Diablo boss Rod Fergusson, we got to see Diablo 4 gameplay in action on Xbox Series X.

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Now Playing: Diablo 4 - Official Necromancer Cinematic Reveal Trailer

This montage was accompanied by Blizzard staffers outlining some of what's new and different in Diablo 4, including character customization. While the basic outline of each class appears to be set in stone, we saw the variations that are possible for you to make them your own. Skin tone, hair style and color, and other customization options are available, though it seems that you may not be able to change the physical stature of the class from its default settings.

From there, we saw an assortment of abilities, including a Sorceress one that resembles one of Mei's from Overwatch, in which your character freezes themselves into an ice block (but with the added effect of freezingly all nearby enemies on screen, too). A Barbarian can then be seen Spartan-kicking an enemy off a ledge and then jumping down that to the area below. That may signal what could be a new way of navigating the world, as previous games wouldn't allow for this.

Indeed, Blizzard then proceeded to showcase the open world, as a character rapidly rode a horse through a barren landscape. The non-linear nature of the game was touted, along with the "almost" 150 dungeons available to explore.

Also new are Strongholds, which are described as "enemy territory that you need to reclaim." By taking care of enemies in a particular location, it can potentially transform into a friendly town. Blizzard said this allows you to have a "real effect" on the game world.

As in MMOs or games like Destiny 2, Diablo 4 features Local Events, which are essentially dynamic events that pop up as you explore the game world. These are optional events you'll encounter while playing and can involve taking on large world bosses, which may require the assistance of other players to topple. One that's shown in the video involved a giant horned creature emerging from a portal to do battle with multiple players as it swings its tail, hammer, and a giant treasure chest wrapped in chains, occasionally popping through portals in order to reappear nearby.

In terms of multiplayer features, cross-play is enabled, letting you play with those on other platforms. Local co-op for two players is available, too.

After it was absent in Diablo 3, PvP is available here. Blizzard didn't go into great detail on it, but certain zones will allow you to battle against other players. Those who do well will be marked as a "champion" on the map, potentially attracting the attention of other players who can receive loot by taking them down. Whether there's any formal structure to PvP remains to be seen.

In terms of the endgame, Blizzard teased that, as you'd expect with a game like this, the end of the story is only the beginning of really playing the game. It also claimed that there will be something new every time you play. In addition to tackling new dungeons or collecting new items, you'll also be able to work your way through Paragon boards, which--based on a very brief glimpse--involve a much more complex means of progression than the Paragon system in Diablo 3.

While an exact release date for Diablo 4 was not shared, the segment ended with a 2023 release window, confirming we can expect to play the new game next year. (Earlier in the Xbox showcase, it was stated that all games shown are releasing in the next 12 months, meaning the game should be out by June 2023.) Diablo 4 was previously confirmed for release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and we now know it's also coming to PS5 in addition to the Xbox Series X version that was on display. The Xbox version was featured no doubt due to this being an Xbox event, although Microsoft is currently in the process of attempting to acquire Activision Blizzard. That could mean Diablo 4 will ultimately launch on Xbox Game Pass, but that remains to be seen, assuming the deal does close.

Although it was not mentioned during the show, a Diablo 4 beta is apparently on the way, and you can sign up now. For even more on the game, check out our Diablo 4 interview with Blizzard that delves further into the endgame, customization, and more.

This look at the game comes in the wake of revelations regarding a troubling culture at Blizzard and Activision Blizzard overall. Blizzard recently announced it has hired a head of culture as it seeks to reform itself, following the ousting of multiple employees as a lawsuit alleged a widespread culture of sexual harassment and discrimination at Activision Blizzard.

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