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Disciples II and Trainz head overseas

Strategy First partners with Arxel Guild to distribute its games throughout Europe.


Strategy First has announced an agreement with Arxel Guild to distribute Disciples II: Dark Prophecy and Trainz throughout Europe. Disciples II, which was released in North America in January, is a turn-based strategy game set in a medieval fantasy world. Trainz is a model-railroad simulation developed by Auran, and it's scheduled for release in North America later this week.

"Strategy First is extremely pleased to have Arxel Guild as our European distribution partner for these two titles," said Stewart Braybrook, director of European operations for Strategy First. "Their knowledge and expertise of the European market will help us replicate the current success of both titles in North America. We are confident in their marketing abilities, and we are looking forward to working with them over the long term."

For more information, read our previous coverage of Trainz.

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