Dota 2 Test 12th March Patch – Content Analysis
We have had an update deploy to the Dota 2 Test client introducing some new matchmaking functions. The update also brings parity to the test client up with the main client which is why the update will be larger than normal.
This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
Front End Changes
• Ranked matches will now show all calibrated player MMRs on the scoreboard at the end of a game that completes normally.
• Warning prompts in client and system messages from the game server concerning leaving a match have been improved to be more clear and specific to the current situation.
• Added an experimental method to determine when multiple players in a region are experiencing poor network connectivity. When this is detected, players in the affected matches will be notified that the match will not be scored, and it is safe to leave.
• Added a cooldown to re-enter matchmaking if you fail to load or leave a game while waiting for other players to load.
• The cooldown time to rejoin matchmaking after failing to ready up, declining, failing to load into the match or leaving the match while waiting for others players to load, will now escalate upon repeated failures.
• Added Ukrainian language text localization.
• Replays for games hosted in other regions (including China) are now faster to download
Hero Animation Updates
Doom's Animation
Doom has been updated with two new weapon drop animations which can trigger when he dies.
Cosmetic Item Updates
Beyond The Summit's El Gato Courier
The Silver Owl version of the El Gato courier has had its textures fixed. Slide the comparison slider all the way to the right to see the updated version.
New Cosmetic Item Sets
Meepo's Item Sets
New League Passes
Amateur Dota 2 League Season 3 Invitational
Includes the Billy Bounceback courier
CZ-SK Dota 2 League
Dota 2 Romania 5 - Spring Cup Ticket
Dota Trash Destruction
Female Dota 2 Southeast Asia League Season 2
GameRing Dota 2 March Cup
Korean Dota 2 League Community Competition
MD2 Malaysia Brunei Cup Season 1
PantheonES Cup
Pro Gaming Tours League March
Includes Spring Essence HUD Skin
Potential loading screen from the HUD
South Ural League Season 3
Includes Green Ural HUD Skin
Potential loading screen from the HUD
UI Updates
The dashboard will now clearly show whether or not it is safe to leave the game.
Back End Changes
Updated Strings
More updates to the advanced ability notes and tool tips.
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Note2" "Juggernaut can still perform attacks while in Blade Fury. However, only units that are not affected by Blade Fury, such as wards or structures, will take damage from these attacks."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Description" "Wraith King's members regroup after death, allowing him to resurrect when killed in battle. Upon death, enemy units in the area will be slowed by 75%."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_attackslow_tooltip" "ATTACK SPEED SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_Note0" "Morph can be activated or deactivated while Morphling is disabled, but not while silenced."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_movement_speed_reduction" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_attack_speed_reduction" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_duration" "DURATION:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_speed_bonus" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_attack_bonus_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_slow_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_Description" "Turns the enemies' numbers against them, dealing damage and granting you bonus movement speed per unit. Deals bonus damage to illusions and summoned units as a percent of their current health."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_attack_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnate_slow_Description" "Affected by Wraith King's Reincarnation. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%."
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_dual_breath_slow_Description" "Affected by Jakiro's Dual Breath. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%."
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_movespeed_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_movement_speed" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_attack_speed" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_movement_speed" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_attack_speed" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_slow_movement" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_slow_attack" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_aura_attack_speed" "AURA ATTACK SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_damage" "BLAST DAMAGE:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_movement_speed" "%BLAST MOVEMENT SLOW:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_debuff_duration" "BLAST SLOW DURATION:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_Description" "Active: Endurance - Gives bonus %bonus_attack_speed_pct% attack speed and %bonus_movement_speed_pct%%% movement speed to surrounding allies.nPassive: Swiftness Aura - Gives bonus attack and movement speed to surrounding allies.nnMultiple instances of Swiftness Aura do not stack."
New strings for the abandon notifications and popups.
"dota_abandon_dialog_yes" "Yes, abandon game."
"dota_leave_dialog_title" "LEAVE GAME"
"dota_leave_dialog_confirm" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"dota_leave_dialogyes" "Yes, leave game."
"dota_leaver_consequence_SmallMatchmakingCooldown" "You will be prevented from matchmaking for a period of time."
"dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaversParty" "<b>Everyone in your party</b> will receive a loss."
"dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaversParty" "The matchmaking rating (MMR) of <b>everyone in your party</b> will decrease."
String for the scoreboard MMR.
"MMR" "MMR" // this needs to be short
We also have a number of new tips and updates to the existing tips.
"dota_tip_beginner_1" "If you notice an enemy Hero missing from your lane, tell your teammates so they don't get ambushed!"
"dota_tip_beginner_2" "You can level up your abilities by holding Control and pressing that ability's shortcut key."
"dota_tip_beginner_3" "Use Wards to reveal parts of the map and increase your awareness of the enemy team's movements."
"dota_tip_beginner_4" "Be sure your team has a courier to deliver your items from the shop so that you can stay in the lanes gaining experience and gold."
"dota_tip_beginner_5" "Sentry Wards reveal nearby invisible units as well as enemy Wards."
"dota_tip_beginner_6" "Illusions and creeps will not dispel Smoke of Deceit, only Heroes will."
"dota_tip_beginner_7" "Roshan is much easier to kill if you reduce his Armor."
"dota_tip_beginner_8" "Remember to purchase items to restore your health and mana at the start of the game."
"dota_tip_beginner_9" "Holding Alt will display additional information in the descriptions of several abilities and items."
"dota_tip_beginner_10" "Shift-clicking on shop items will add them to the quick buy."
"dota_tip_beginner_11" "Scoring the last hit on a tower will earn you more gold for its destruction."
"dota_tip_beginner_12" "The "Safe Lane" is the longest lane on your team's side of the river. For the Dire, this is the top lane. For the Radiant, it is the bottom lane."
"dota_tip_beginner_13" "The "Hard Lane" is the shortest lane on your team's side of the river. For the Dire, this is the bottom lane. For the Radiant, it is the top lane."
"dota_tip_beginner_14" "Typically, a team only needs one courier."
"dota_tip_beginner_15" "The movement speed bonus for having boots does not stack. No matter how many legs your chosen Hero has, you only need a single set of boots."
"dota_tip_beginner_16" "You can view an enemy Hero's inventory by selecting them."
"dota_tip_beginner_17" "It is often a good idea to carry a Town Portal Scroll."
"dota_tip_beginner_18" "There are many secret paths hidden in the trees, which are often called "juke spots". Use these to escape attacks, or to set up ambushes."
"dota_tip_beginner_19" "Use Dust of Appearance to reveal nearby invisible enemies."
"dota_tip_beginner_20" "A Rune will appear in the river every 2 minutes. Runes will always appear in one of two locations."
"dota_tip_beginner_21" "If you have a Bottle, touching a Rune will store it for later use. Storing a Rune will also refill the Bottle."
"dota_tip_beginner_22" "You can select from many player-created Builds for your Hero, by using the Build Guide button on the left side of the Top Bar."
"dota_tip_beginner_23" "Announcers and HUD Skins are shared between all players in a match. You can choose among them by pressing the Shared Content button on the left side of the Top Bar."
"dota_tip_beginner_24" "Remain calm. Remember: it's only a game."
"dota_tip_beginner_25" "Check your minimap often. You may discover that you are about to be ambushed."
"dota_tip_beginner_26" "Often the best way to learn a Hero's weaknesses is to play him yourself."
"dota_tip_beginner_27" "In All Pick, if you have not chosen a Hero before the timer runs out, you will begin to lose your starting gold."
"dota_tip_beginner_28" "Destroying the enemy's barracks will strengthen your team's creeps in that lane."
"dota_tip_beginner_29" "Towers can see and attack invisible units."
"dota_tip_beginner_30" "Try to fight creeps and enemy Heroes within the attack range of your team's Towers."
"dota_tip_beginner_31" "Be aware of your position when attacking creeps. You may wind up pushing your team's creeps, and yourself, into a dangerous location."
"dota_tip_beginner_32" "The Side Shops sell many useful items, including Town Portal Scrolls and the components for many types of boots."
"dota_tip_beginner_33" "Several clifftops feature sigils which mark good locations to place Observer Wards."
"dota_tip_beginner_34" "You can disable auto-attacking in the options menu."
"dota_tip_beginner_35" "You can mute rude players by going to the Scoreboard, accessed using the buttons on the left side of the Top Bar."
"dota_tip_beginner_36" "Being near your team's fountain will rapidly restore your health and mana."
"dota_tip_beginner_37" "After you have chosen a hero, you can click on the minimap in the lower left to inform your teammates where you intend to go when the game begins."
"dota_tip_beginner_38" "Be careful when crossing the river into enemy territory."
"dota_tip_beginner_39" "Enjoyed playing with someone? Commend them by clicking on their name in the Scoreboard, accessed using the buttons on the left side of the Top Bar."
"dota_tip_intermediate_1" "You can Alt-click an ability to inform your teammates of that ability's current cooldown."
"dota_tip_intermediate_2" "You can inform your teammates that an enemy Hero is missing by Alt-clicking that Hero's portrait in the Top Bar."
"dota_tip_intermediate_3" "After Roshan has been killed, he will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes."
"dota_tip_intermediate_4" "Neutral creeps spawn at the 30 second mark, and then at every minute mark thereafter."
"dota_tip_intermediate_5" "Shift-clicking actions or abilities allows you to queue them."
"dota_tip_intermediate_6" "Some spells can be dodged by using a Blink Dagger or by becoming invisible."
"dota_tip_intermediate_7" "Some projectiles can be dodged by using Smoke of Deceit."
"dota_tip_intermediate_8" "Attacking from an uphill position gives you an advantage as an enemy may miss their attacks or lose you in the fog of war."
"dota_tip_intermediate_9" "Using a Pipe of Insight allows you to negate an enemy Hero's magic area of effect damage."
"dota_tip_intermediate_10" "Assault Cuirass can be used to boost the Armor of nearby teammates."
"dota_tip_intermediate_11" "When a tower is attacking you, attack-clicking on an allied creep will reset the tower's target."
"dota_tip_intermediate_12" "Placing a Ward or unit near a neutral creep camp can prevent that camp from respawning at the minute mark."
"dota_tip_intermediate_13" "Monkey King Bar will grant you true strike, which prevents enemy Heroes from evading your attacks, even when attacking uphill."
"dota_tip_intermediate_14" "Double-clicking your Blink Dagger will cause you to automatically blink toward your team's fountain."
"dota_tip_intermediate_15" "You can attack allied creeps that are about to die. Use this to deny your enemy the gold and experience gained from last hits."
"dota_tip_intermediate_16" "Magic damage can be reduced by items that grant Magic Resistance."
"dota_tip_intermediate_17" "Physical damage can be reduced by items that grant Armor."
"dota_tip_intermediate_18" "Pure damage can only be reduced with Magic Immunity."
"dota_tip_intermediate_20" "Changing the primary stat on Power Treads can break invisibility, as well as interrupt channeled spells such as using a Town Portal Scroll."
"dota_tip_intermediate_21" "Pulling all neutral creeps out of a camp near the minute mark will allow that camp to respawn. Use this to maximize the number of creeps you kill."
"dota_tip_intermediate_22" "Holding Control allows you to use your Bottle regen on an allied Hero."
Unreleased Couriers
Zombie Hopper
Seems to be based on the Chinese legend Jiangshi, a reanimated corpse that goes around hopping with its arms outstretched.
In Game Preview (Includes custom particle effect)
Standard Courier
Flying Courier
Unreleased Ticket Bundle
Dota2vo's Ability Cup #1 Bundle
References to this bundle can only be seen in the schema update. The files for this HUD, Loading Screen and Set are not in the files.
Sands of Luxor HUD Skin
Sands of Luxor Loading Screen
Anuwrath's Guard Set for Phantom Lancer
Unreleased Free to Play Collector's Bundle Updates
We now have the preview images for the three loading screens that will come with each set in the Free to Play Collector's Bundle.
Dendi's Pudge Loading Screen
Hyhy's Doom Loading Screen
Fear's Sven Loading Screen
Sound File Updates
Sven has two new alternative attack sounds which will be used with Fear's new F2P Collector's Bundle set.
Other Changes
Match Quality Icon
The match quality icon was updated once again.
Region File Updates
The entry for the unreleased Japan region was updated again.
The Dota TV servers for the Australian servers have had proxies temporary disabled.
Portrait File Updates
There is a new entry in the portraits file that points to an unused directory for a new Shadow Fiend model. The current model resides in the Nevermore folder.
Predictions For The Next Hero
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