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E3 2017: Dishonored 2 Death Of The Outsider DLC Announced By Bethesda

The Outsider's time has come.


Bethesda has announced new standalone DLC for Dishonored 2 called Death of the Outsider. It will star Meagan Foster, the quest-giver character from the main game. A trailer for the DLC was shown during Bethesda's E3 press conference, where it was described as "a story of revenge" that will feature "the ultimate assassination."

During the trailer, Meagan can be shown skulking around a building, making noise to manipulate enemy movements and methodically taking them out. It seems Meagan has the ability to teleport through walls and is shown to be as capable of dishing out death as Corvo and Emily.

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Now Playing: Dishonored 2: Death Of The Outsider Reveal Trailer - E3 2017

Interestingly, the trailer ends with Meagan rescuing Daud, the character featured heavily in Dishonored's Knife of Dunwall DLC. It seems the two are teaming up to take out The Outsider, the source of Emily, Corvo, and Daud's extraordinary abilities.

Dishonored 2's Death of the Outsider DLC is confirmed for release on September 15 as a standalone physical and digital release for $30 / £20. Check out the full trailer above; it will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Bethesda's other announcements included The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

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