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E3 2017: New Wolfenstein Game Revealed At Bethesda's Press Conference

Machine Games' next Wolfenstein has been unveiled.


Tonight during Bethesda's E3 briefing, the company officially announced the next Wolfenstein game. As rumored, it's called Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, and it's coming this year.

Series hero BJ Blazkowicz returns, and it looks every bit as big and bloody as the first game. An impressive and in-depth first trailer was shown during the briefing, revealing that Anya is pregnant with twins. There is a lot of guns-blazing action on display in the video, and the opening and closing sequences are very memorable. Watch it in the embed above.

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Now Playing: Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Reveal Trailer - E3 2017

The New Colossus launches on October 27, presumably for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

A new Wolfenstein game was teased during Bethesda's press conference at E3 last year. A screen was showed that listed a number of previously released games and their release dates. Following the most recent two Wolfenstein titles was something called New Colossus with asterisks in place of a date, suggesting it's a game still to come. A Wolfenstein voice actor subsequently suggested that it might be in the works.

For more, check out's GameSpot full roundup of Bethesda's E3 announcements. Other reveals included Doom VR and The Evil Within 2.

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