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E3 2018: New Last Of Us 2 Details About Ellie And More Revealed

Elie is 19 years old in The Last of Us: Part II.


Sony has revealed more details about the much-anticipated PlayStation 4 game The Last of Us: Part II. In a blog post, director Neil Druckmann discussed Ellie and her motivations, while he also confirmed the role of another celebrity who is working on the game.

We knew Ellie was older in The Last of Us: Part II, but now Druckmann confirmed that she is 19 years old. After the horrific events of the first game, Ellie has found "a semblance of peace and normality." She is on a path towards finding peace in her world--but it doesn't last.

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"When that peace is disrupted by a violent act, Ellie is thrust into a brutal journey of retribution, fueled by a need to bring those that have wronged her to justice, pushing her to her very limits," Druckmann said.

While Joel was the playable character in the first game, Ellie is the lead playable character for the sequel. As we saw in the gameplay reveal trailer during Sony's E3 2018 briefing, Ellie is a more than capable fighter. "You're going to feel her physical, emotional, and mental state expressed through every facet of gameplay," Druckmann said. "We've completely overhauled our engine, developed new combat mechanics, created a new analog stealth system, and revamped our animation system to fully express Ellie's desperation, resourcefulness, and unique agility."

Regarding the game's advancements overall, Druckmann said the environments are "broader, more complex, and more detailed." This brings "unprecedented realism, verticality, and player choice," the game director teased. The enemy AI is now more sophisticated as well.

In other news, we knew that Westworld actress Shannon Woodward would appear in The Last of Us: Part II, and now her role has been revealed. Woodward plays Dina, the woman who shared a kiss with Ellie in the new trailer. Woodward and Ashley Johnson, who voices Ellie, recreated the scene in real life at the Sony E3 2018 briefing.

The Last of Us: Part II is on the way for PlayStation 4, but no release date has been announced. For more, check out GameSpot's breakdown of the four big things we learned from the new trailer.

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