Bethesda announced during its E3 2019 press conference that it would be making Fallout 76 free for this week, through June 17. The studio hopes to win over some people who never tried the game or those who have lapsed before the game issued its series of quality-of-life updates. The game is also offering a special E3 bundle for those who do adopt the game, or just any players who want a good deal.
The E3 Bonus Atom Bundle costs $10 and grants you 1500 Atoms, along with an Elder's Battlecoat and 6 repair kits. This bundle will be available through July 8, giving you plenty of time after the free trial ends.
100 Atoms is usually roughly equivalent to $1. A 500 Atom bundle costs $5, for example. Some bundles have thrown in extra Atoms, but it's usually a low number. The usual $10 bundle only gives 100 bonus Atoms rather than 500, and doesn't include a cosmetic or any repair kits. So on the whole this is a much better deal than usually available, which is why it's only available to purchase once.
The timing of the free trial came alongside the launch of a new Battle Royale mode, called Nuclear Winter. At its press conference the studio also announced the Wastelanders update coming this fall. It will add human NPCs, dialogue trees, and more story elements. The company was open about the struggles Fallout 76 faced at launch, but recommitted to long-term support and updates going forward.
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