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E3 Responds To Losing Another Key Company

The Entertainment Software Association releases a statement after another company backs out.


The organizers of E3--the Entertainment Software Association--has released a statement in response to the news that E3 2020's creative directors, iam8bit, have resigned from their position. The organization thanked iam8bit for their contributions to 2020's show, and also mentioned that E3 2020 won't be lacking for creative design. [Update: E3 2020 has been canceled due to the coronavirus.]

The ESA confirmed that it's working with creative agencies including 160over90, Mat + Lo, GES, Dolaher Events, and Double Forte on E3 2020's vision and design.

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“We can confirm that iam8bit is no longer part of the inter-agency group working on E3 2020," reads a line from the statement. "We greatly value their passion for the video game industry and the contributions they brought toward our vision for this year’s show. We have an innovative and experienced team in place including Endeavor’s creative agency 160over90, event innovators Mat+Lo and longtime E3 partners, GES, Dolaher Events and Double Forte—all collaborating to bring to life an exciting and authentic experience for fans, the media and the industry."

iam8bit announced its decision to leave E3 2020 in a tweet.

"It's with mixed emotions that has decided to resign as Creative Directors of what was to be an evolutionary #E32020 floor experience. We've produced hundreds of gaming + community events and it was a dream to be involved with E3. We wish the organizers the best of luck."

In addition to iam8bit, Geoff Keighley, the games media veteran who hosted and organized the E3 Coliseum since 2017, won't be returning to E3 this year either. For his part, Keighley said he decided to part ways with E3 "given what I know about the show as of today."

Additionally, PlayStation decided not to attend for the second year in a row. Microsoft is still planning to come to E3 in a big way this year as it will show off more of Halo Infinite and hype the Xbox Series X ahead of its release later this year.

Los Angeles, the city where E3 is held every year, recently declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). The ESA is closely monitoring the situation and will make announcements about E3 2020 as necessary.

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